Proposed Development

Barming P3

Barming, ME16 9HA

Learn about our plans for the third phase of residential development on land north of Broomshaw Road, in Barming

We are working closely with local residents, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (TMBC) and other key stakeholders to deliver a new community in Barming, Maidstone. 

The whole development site falls under the jurisdiction of TMBC and Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) and is split into three phases. 

The first phase of development was completed in 2023. The second phase, which is known as Oakapple Place (Phase 2A), is already under construction following full approval from MBC in 2021. 

We are now developing plans for the third phase of development which is located on land north of Broomshaw Road, Barming. This particular phase sits within the administrative boundary of TMBC and outline planning permission for up to 118 units was approved in 2022.

In line with the outline planning permission, our proposals for the third phase of development include up to 100 new energy efficient homes, ranging from two-bedroom to four-bedroom properties, as well as some affordable homes. Our plans also include circa 1 hectare of accessible open space, as well as a play area for the benefit of the local community. 

If our proposals for phase three are approved, we expect that the new homes will be delivered from 2027 onwards.

Following a period of consultation, we submitted our reserved matters planning application to TMBC on 8th July 2024. The application can be viewed on the council’s planning portal and by searching the reference number 24/01084/PA.

Further details about our proposals can be found on this web page. If you have any questions about our plans you can email the project team via [email protected]
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey South East.

About the development


In line with the Outline approved proposals we want to contribute to the thriving community in Barming by delivering 100 new high-quality homes, ranging from two-bedroom to four-bedroom properties.

In addition to our plans for the third phase, our comprehensive masterplan considers Oakapple Place (Phase 2A), which is currently under construction to the east. Our latest proposals have been thoughtfully designed in order to connect the two developments harmoniously.

As per the approved outline planning permission, we are proposing to deliver circa 1 hectare of accessible open space, as well as a new play area for the benefit of the local community. 

Street scenes

We want to deliver a new development that will appeal to a range of homebuyers, whether they be first time buyers, growing families or downsizers. 

To create a characterful community, our proposals for Phase 3 seek to deliver a mix of house type designs, ranging from two-bedroom to four-bedroom homes. 

These attractive street scenes will complement those at the Oakapple Place development (Phase 2A).

Homes proposed

Our proposals for Phase 3 include a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes that will appeal to a range of homebuyers and help to meet local housing needs.

The proposed mix for the private homes on Phase 3 is:
• 14 x 2 bedroom homes
• 55 x 3 bedroom homes
• 21 x 4 bedroom homes

As a responsible housebuilder, committed to building a sustainable future for our customers, all of the homes in Phase 3 will be energy efficient, incorporating renewable energy technologies and constructed in line with relevant building regulations.

A number of the proposed new homes will be allocated as affordable housing, in accordance with the outline planning permission. 

About our proposals


Connecting the proposed site to the nearby Oakapple Place development (Phase 2a) to the east, as well as the surrounding area, is at the heart of our proposals. 

In line with the conditions of the outline planning permission, the primary access point into the development will be on Hermitage Lane via Oakapple Place, with secondary access via Broomshaw Road for all vehicle movements. Both access routes will provide full vehicle and pedestrian connection, as well as a useful link to Oakapple Place.

In addition to existing public rights of way [PROW’s], new cycle links on the bridleways that cross the site and cycle parking facilities will be provided. Future residents will also be able to access local bus services located in Oakapple Place, providing access to Maidstone and beyond. 

When the time comes to travel further afield, residents will benefit from close proximity to a range of local transport links, such as the M20 and A26.

Connections within the development and reliable transport links will ensure that future residents have easy access to a wide range of amenities and facilities in the surrounding areas, such as: 


  • Barming Primary School
  • Jubilee Primary School
  • Bower Grove School
  • Oakwood Park Grammar School
  • St Augustine Academy
  • Aylesford School 



  • Barming Railway Station 


  • Allington Clinic and GP
  • Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust 


Retail and leisure

  • Tesco 
  • Sainsbury’s 
  • Mote Park 
  • Fremlin Walk Shopping Centre 


We have carefully considered our plans to ensure a sufficient and sustainable drainage strategy is put in place. Moreover, the drainage strategy for the site has been informed by on site ground condition testing and consultation with KCC Drainage.

A flood risk assessment was undertaken at the outline planning stage which found the proposed development to have a low risk of flooding, within Flood Zone 1.

If our plans are approved, all surface water runoff will be drained via a piped network to deep borehole soakaways located across the development.


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration when we plan and build new developments. The ancient woodland located to the north east and south west of the proposed site is a reminder of the importance of supporting local biodiversity. 

As part of our consented outline application for Phase 3, we completed an Ecological Impact Assessment as well as an Arboricultural Impact Assessment of the site. Consequently, we are aware that local wildlife, including a number of hedgehogs, insects and birds, make use of the open spaces. Dormice have also been located in the hedgerows to the north of the site, and reptiles are present within grassland.

To ensure local wildlife is protected, a Biodiversity Management Plan was approved by TMBC during the outline planning stage. This will be updated to outline a series of mitigation measures which will be in place for the duration of the construction period, as well as methods for retaining established habitats and existing hedgerows, where possible. 

Some of the on-site mitigation measures we have proposed for Phase 3 are detailed below: 

  • Enhance the green corridor which will connect Phase 3 with Oakapple Place (Phase 2) 
  • Retain existing hedgerows, trees and grassland around the northern, western and southern boundaries of the site, where possible 
  • Translocate reptiles to a suitable, off-site receptor area 
  • Provide suitable mitigation measures to protect dormice, in line with a Natural England licence (to be agreed prior to works on site) 
In addition to the installation of hedgehog highways in the gardens of all of the homes, our proposals also include the provision of the following to help encourage local wildlife to thrive:
  • 10 x boxes for dormice
  • 3 x log piles
  • 3 x insect boxes
  • 6 x bat boxes
  • 4 x bird boxes
The proposed landscape design for Phase 3 will also include a selection of plants that will support existing wildlife and offer greater wildlife diversification, by attracting different species to new habitats.


There are no designated heritage assets within the immediate vicinity of the site.

Our approach features

Former uses of the site

The application site was formerly used for agricultural purposes. 

Previous planning applications

Outline planning consent for Phase 3 was granted by TMBC in 2022. This permits up to 118 new homes (including affordable homes), establishing the principle of development and the associated works for access, open space, infrastructure, earthworks, surface water drainage systems and landscaping. 

Reserved matters planning consent for Phase 1 was approved in 2019, while full planning consent for the Oakapple Place development (Phase 2A) was granted by MBC in 2020. 

Previous consultations and feedback

The outline planning application was guided by public consultation and a further online consultation is now underway prior to the submission of a reserved matters planning application. 

History of the site features

Economic benefits

In line with Section 106 commitments for the site, we would contribute approximately £3m to support local health and education services, as well as transport and infrastructure improvements. This would help to support local investment in primary and secondary schools, as well as highways, libraries and youth facilities. 

Open space

Ensuring our residents and the local community have access to beautiful green open spaces is a key consideration. Once complete, Phase 3 will include circa 1 hectare of open space that makes use of existing PROW’s and bridleways. 

We are also proposing to install a Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) in the north east corner of the site, which will include equipment that is suitable for children up to 12 years old. We hope that future residents of Phase 3 and Oakapple Place will be able to share this amenity, which has been planned in close proximity to pedestrian links.  

Green corridors and landscape buffers will also enhance ecological and recreational benefits. 

Amenities & facilities

We aim to support the communities in which we build. One way in which we do this is by providing new facilities that local people will benefit from.


Our proposals for Phase 3 include areas of open space, as well as a new area of play, which we hope local families will enjoy for years to come. 


Community benefits features