Learn about our plans for a new residential development on land which is adjacent to Sondes Place Farm, on Westcott Road in Dorking
We are working to deliver a brand new community in Dorking, Surrey.
Following an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, outline planning permission for this site was granted in November 2023 and Taylor Wimpey then acquired the site in June 2024. We are now progressing the detailed designs for the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping, in accordance with the approved parameter plans.
We held a public exhibition in July 2024 and we are working to submit our reserved matters planning application to Mole Valley District Council this autumn. A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the event can be viewed further below on this page.
We currently anticipate that a decision from the local authority will be made in Winter 2024, or early 2025.
In the meantime, you can register your interest on this website and you will receive updates when they are available.
If you have any questions about our development, you can email [email protected].
Development Map
In line with approved outline planning consent, we want to deliver a mix of 144 new high-quality homes (50% being affordable homes), which are suitable for a variety of homebuyers.
We are also proposing to deliver the following:
- Open spaces across the site, including ecological enhancements
- An equipped play area to benefit local children
- Vehicle and pedestrian access points from Westcott Road, including a new priority junction onto the A25
- A new drop off area to serve The Priory CofE School
- Designated pitches for the traveller community in the south-western corner of the site
- A series of sustainable urban drainage systems, including swales and detention basins
- Improved landscaping
- Pedestrian and cycle routes through to West Bank
Street scenes
We want to deliver a new development that will appeal to a range of homebuyers, whether they be first time buyers, growing families or downsizers.
To create a characterful community, our proposals seek to deliver a mix of house type designs, ranging from one-bedroom apartments to five-bedroom homes. We envisage that the development will consist of mainly 2 & 2.5 storey buildings, with some 3 storey apartments (up to 11m).
Private car parking spaces will be provided in a variety of parking solutions to the side or front of individual properties, whilst visitors will be able to park in defined bays.
Homes proposed
We will take cues from the traditional forms and themes that can be found around Dorking, whilst utilising modern materials and detailing to create an attractive and sustainable development.
About our proposals features
Additionally, a series of pedestrian and cycle routes will be installed that will connect the wider development and provide a useful link to The Priority School.
Connections within the development and to established transport links will ensure that future residents have easy access to a wide range of amenities and facilities in the surrounding areas, such as:
- The Priory CofE School
- Powell Corderoy Primary School
- Waitrose & Partners
Food and drink
- The Queen’s Head
- Sorrel Restaurant
- Kings Arms
Local attractions
- The Nower park
- The Temple landmark
- Dorking West Station
- Dorking Deepdene Station
- Dorking ‘Main’ Station
- A25 (Westcott Road)
We plan to utilise a series of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), consisting of permeable paving, swales and detention basins, as well as water efficient fixtures and fittings to encourage natural drainage and enhance biodiversity. Surface water will be discharged into the ground via infiltration SuDs following the Sustainable Drainage hierarchy that looks to mimic the natural water routes in nature.
To support this reserved matters application, we have completed Ecological Assessments. Consequently, we are aware that a variety of species make use of the site, including roman snails, bats and skylarks.
In addition to the protection of wildlife, we are proposing a series of ecological enhancements.
When constructing the site, we will;
- Create new habitats and wildflower grassland
- Install bird and bat boxes on suitable trees, which will provide space for nesting and shelter
- Create hedgehog highways across the site
- Plant an array of trees and shrubs which are native to the local area, which can create new habitat opportunities for reptiles, amphibians and invertebrate species
When combined, these proposals will deliver a biodiversity net gain of more than 20% across the site.
As part of the outline application, further archaeological assessments are required to be conducted, including a programme of geophysical surveys and trial trench evaluation.
Our approach features
Previous use
Previous planning applications
Following an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, outline planning permission for this site was granted in November 2023 and Taylor Wimpey then acquired the site in June 2024.
Previous consultations and feedback
An in-person exhibition was held on 22nd July 2024 and a further online consultation is now underway prior to the submission of a reserved matters planning application to Mole Valley District Council in the autumn.
History of the site features
Economic benefits
In line with Section 106 commitments for the site, we will contribute £172,800 towards off-site highways works, including crossings and signal improvements. We will also deliver the pedestrian and cycle routes, upgrades to two bus stops, provision of a toucan crossing, and make changes to the speed limit adjacent to the site.
Considerable financial contributions to other local services will be made through the Community Infrastructure Levy, a charge on development, which is calculated on the floor area of market housing and is payable once development commences.
Open space
Once complete, the development will include 2.9 hectares of publicly accessible open spaces, as well as a Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) in the centre of the site, which will include equipment that is suitable for children up to 12 years old.
Landscape buffers will enhance ecological and recreational benefits and, when combined, our ecological enhancements will increase on-site biodiversity by at least 20%.
Amenities & facilities
We aim to support the communities in which we build. One way in which we do this is by providing new facilities that local people will benefit from.
In addition to improved landscaping and infrastructure, we hope to deliver areas of open space, as well as designated pitches for the traveller community and a new area of play, which we hope local families will enjoy for years to come.
Community benefits features

In 2021, we launched our environment strategy, setting out how we will help protect our environment for future generations, partner with suppliers to reduce the impact of the homes and developments we build, and make it easier for our customers to live a sustainable lifestyle.
1. Energy and the home
• Carbon emissions per dwelling will be reduced by a further 10% below the Target Emissions Rate set by Part L of the Building Regulations 2022.
• The “fabric first” approach will see enhanced insulation and fittings to retain heat within the dwelling and reduce the need to use energy.
• A number of homes will be powered in part by Photovoltaic Panels situated on the roofs.
• Homes will feature air source heat pumps rather than gas powered boilers.
• Super-fast broadband connections will be fitted to facilitate a move towards working from home.
• Water consumption to be minimised via efficient fittings. Water usage calculators are installed, and appliances are selected to restrict water consumption to 110 litres per person, per day.
2. Sustainable Practices in Construction
• Taylor Wimpey actively segregates all recyclable waste materials to allow Reconomy to collect. As many materials as possible are reused on site (crushed bricks and blocks for hardstanding etc.).
• We partner with suppliers to reduce off-cuts by specifying pre-cut materials.
• Car sharing and buses are promoted to cut down on traffic movements.
• Taylor Wimpey is the only major house builder to hold the Carbon Trust Standard (reducing carbon year on year).
Autumn 2024 - Anticipated timescale for submission of reserved matters planning application
Winter 2024 / early 2025 - Decision expected from the local authority