Learn about our plans for an exciting new community in Evesham
Reserved matters planning applications for new homes and supporting infrastructure on land off Boat Lane have been submitted to Wychavon District Council (WDC). The new development, known as ‘Chyryton Grange’, is awaiting determination by WDC.
As part of creating a sustainable new community for Evesham, the plans include a community orchard, children’s play area, extensive landscaping, and enhancement to the setting of the 800-year-old Abbot Chyryton’s wall, all accessed from a connection with Abbey Road.
We first engaged with and consulted the local community in Autumn 2021. Following submission of the applications, we have continued to evolve our plans, taking into account further technical assessments, archaeological investigations and stakeholder feedback. We are committed to continuing our engagement with Council officers, Historic England and local stakeholders as the applications progress.
We will continue to update this website to reflect the latest application information so that the wider Evesham community is kept informed throughout the process.
2016 – The site is allocated for residential development in the South Worcestershire Development Plan.
2019 – Outline planning permission is awarded by Wychavon District Council, agreeing the principle of development for 200 homes on the site.
Autumn 2021 – Public consultation on reserved matters applications for new community named ‘Chyryton Grange’ on the site, including a public webinar.
Summer 2022 – Wychavon District Council’s planning committee deferred the two reserved matters applications for highways infrastructure (20/00938/RM) and drainage infrastructure (20/00939/RM) to allow archaeology works to take place.
Autumn 2022 – A revised single reserved matters application has now been submitted for the site, which takes continued archaeological assessments into account. This single reserved matters application merges and replaces the two previous applications noted above, which will now be withdrawn.
Spring 2022 – A reserved matters application was submitted for 138 new homes to the south of Boat Lane (ref: W/22/00912/RM).
Summer 2022 – Wychavon District Council’s planning committee deferred the two reserved matters applications for highways infrastructure (ref: 20/00938/RM) and drainage infrastructure (ref: 20/00939/RM) to allow further archaeology assessments to take place.
Autumn 2022 – A new single reserved matters application (ref: W/22/02308/RM) was submitted which took continued archaeological assessments into account. This new reserved matters application includes 200 homes and all of the infrastructure and new homes (138) covered by the three previous applications noted above.
February 2023 – Following statutory consultee responses, the proposals have been updated. After further conservation work at Abbott Chyryton wall, new subterranean archaeological discoveries have been made. As a result, the Boat Lane crossing has been moved further West with new landscaping included around the conservation site to reflect this discovery. Updates to the applications also include a draft travel and movement plan for the site, which will see cycle storage sheds added to all homes without garages.
April 2023 – Wychavon District Council’s Urban Design Officer issued their design comments, and we began to incorporate them into the proposals.
December 2023 to March 2024 – Taylor Wimpey have continued to refine the proposals in response to design, heritage and other comments received. In doing so, we provided further clarity on the style and character of the proposed housing, enhancement of green spaces and the layout of individual plots.
March 2024 – The application for Evesham’s new Hampton Bridge is approved. Once delivered, this will plug into new access across Chyryton Grange and will create new pedestrian and cycle options for crossing the River Avon.
April 2024 – Updates to application W/22/00912/RM are formally submitted (increasing the number of new homes from 138 to 160). Subject to the outcome of the consultation process, this will be determined by WDC Planning Committee by the end of June 2024.
The proposals
We want to create a thriving new community on the banks of the River Avon in Evesham. Our plans help to meet local housing needs, on a site that has been identified by WDC as suitable for residential development. The proposals are governed by clear design principles, with prominent green spaces at the centre of and around the development, providing character and focus for the site.
The plans offer a range of new homes from one to five-bedrooms, including 40% affordable homes. A community orchard, children’s play area, significant landscaping, and enhancement to the setting of the 800-year-old Abbot Chyryton’s wall are all included within the application.
The development layout, as amended, can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.
An attractive setting for much-needed new homes
Much-needed new homes will be delivered to the highest design standards, with over half of them looking out directly onto public open spaces or the River Avon. The proposed layout includes purpose-built character areas to provide variation through the site. The materials, including red brick and suitable render, have been chosen to complement Evesham’s historic character and the site’s riverside setting.
You said, we listened You said, we listenedFollowing public consultation and ongoing engagement with local stakeholders, the design team has made community-inspired revisions to the scheme.
Boat Lane and connectivity
Members of the local community and visitors to Evesham use Boat Lane to access Raphael’s, the Hampton Ferry, and to walk along the River Avon.
Our proposals will retain the direct connectivity between Evesham town centre and the Hampton Ferry via Boat Lane, and help to facilitate a new crossing between the north and south sides of Boat Lane. This will allow pedestrians, cars and caravans to continue to use Boat Lane as they do today.
The final layout of the new Boat Lane crossing will be subject to a separate planning application.
Cycle and Pedestrian
We understand what a great asset the proposed Hampton Bridge will be for Evesham. Before the application was approved by WCC on 19th March 2024, we were already working with the Hampton Bridge group to ensure the new bridge can be delivered as soon as possible. Our plans have also been revised to include more direct pedestrian links between the town centre and the River Avon to provide easy and attractive access for pedestrians and cyclists. Shared pathways have been widened to 3 metres to safely accommodate all users.
We are also working with Historic England and WDC to explore the installation of footpaths with minimal ground depth to best respect the site’s historical assets.
Technical considerations Technical considerationsArchaeology
Archaeological considerations are a key part of any proposed development and we take our heritage responsibilities very seriously. Our plans actively take local heritage assets into account, including the 800-year-old Abbot Chyryton’s Wall. The site’s archaeology and heritage value are of the utmost importance to Taylor Wimpey and we have amended the proposals to respond to the latest archaeological findings, ensuring that sustainability and respect guide the scheme’s design. Our continuing archaeological work would not be able to take place without our application and development process. We are committed to ensuring any discoveries are shared with local museums and schools for the community to enjoy and learn from.
We understand that any new development will have an impact on the existing community and we have carefully considered this as we have evolved our proposals. Vehicles will come into Chyryton Grange from Abbey Road, where the junction with the site will be upgraded to facilitate safe and appropriate access. The plans for the wider site will also include a new crossing of Boat Lane to facilitate connectivity between land to the south and north of Boat Lane. Pedestrians, cars and caravans will continue to access the Hampton Ferry as they do today. Additional shared-use paths will cross the site, facilitating pedestrian and cycle trips between Evesham town centre and both banks of the River Avon via the new Hampton Bridge.
The site includes areas of Flood Zone 2 and 3 (towards the east of the site). There will not be any built development within the area of Flood Zone 3. The site already benefits from an existing Drainage Infrastructure reserved matters application, which outlines the details of the proposed drainage strategy for the site and the locations of the proposed drainage infrastructure. This application is separate from the current reserved matters application.
Reducing our impact on the environment is very important to us, and we consider it at every stage of our operations. We work with our partners in the supply chain to source sustainable materials, and with our contractors to minimise the impact of our construction sites on the local area. We also design homes to be energy and resource efficient to live in. Every home at Chyryton Grange will include its own electric vehicle charging point to encourage the transition from more carbon-intensive petrol and diesel vehicles
More details on our approach to sustainability can be seen here.
Community benefits Community benefits
Economic benefits
We want to deliver new homes and facilities that integrate with and enhance life in the local community. We are committed to working with WDC to deliver economic and social benefits through the provision of new homes on this site.
Any planning permission will be conditional on Taylor Wimpey making an appropriate financial contribution to WDC to improve local infrastructure and facilities. While the council will decide precisely how this contribution is spent, it can only go towards improving local roads, supporting delivery of new sporting facilities, expanding existing healthcare centres or improving educational facilities.
Open space
Ensuring new residents and those who already live in and visit Evesham have improved access to more attractive and usable green open spaces is a primary objective of the development.
Our plans for Boat Lane will deliver new publicly accessible open spaces, including a community orchard and significant new planting and landscaping throughout the site. Existing grassland to the east of the site will be retained and enhanced to promote biodiversity and provide both new and existing residents with further areas of accessible green open space on the edge of the town and near the River Avon.
Amenities & facilities
As part of the Chyryton Grange development, a new children’s play area will be created to encourage residents and their families to meet and spend time with neighbours, friends and the existing community, helping to foster social integration and and create a vibrant new neighbourhood for Evesham.