Proposed Development

Stay updated about Minsmere Green

Keynsham, BS311PY

We would really like to know what you think. Please fill in our feedback form with as much or as little detail as you would like to include.

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Which of the following types of home do you think are needed in your area?

What local characteristics, architectural styles and materials (if any), do you think the new homes should draw inspiration from? And do you think the local area currently has it’s own distinctive identity?

Do you think the proposed architectural style is suited for the local area?

If 'No', what building materials do you believe should be used, and why?

In your opinion, what types of public open space features, should be provided within this development? (i.e. Play spaces, picnic/recreation areas, new woodland/orchards, walking/cycling links, public car park)

What ecological enhancements would you welcome into the development to support wildlife habitats if location allows?

What is your current main method of transport?

In what ways, if any, could the new development encourage people to use sustainable methods of transport? (e.g. walking / cycling, improved links to public transport, etc.)

Our current proposals include 133 car parking spaces which equates to on average just under 2 designated car parking spaces per home and also 15 visitor spaces. Which of the following best describes the number of proposed parking spaces available for residents?

How important is a zero-carbon ready home to you and would you buy a zero-carbon ready home (i.e. no gas, air source heat pumps, solar panels, triple glazing, etc.)?

Do you have any general comments on the emerging layout?

Thank you for taking the time to fill in our feedback form – we will review all of the responses received and these will help shape our designs.

Providing your details below will help us analyse the responses and allow us to keep in touch with you as our work progresses.

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