Proposed Development

Kenton Bank Foot Phase 5 and 6

Newcastle Upon Tyne , NE13 8AG

Learn about our plans for a final phase of new homes at Kenton Bank Foot

This  final  phase is proposed to deliver  243 new homes offering  range  of  3 and 4 bedroom  family homes , landscaped areas  and allotments.  The development will be shared with Persimmon Homes, with 107 homes being built by Taylor Wimpey and 136  by Persimmon Homes . Our plans also include  new cycleways and footpaths designed to provide convenient links to Kenton Bank  Foot.
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey North East.

Learn about our plans for a final phase of development at Kenton Bank Foot

The Master Plan

New housing developments can bring a wide array of benefits to an area.  As an allocated site, the delivery will contribute towards Newcastle’s future housing requirements and widen the choice of new homes in the area.   A mix of home sizes and styles would help  to  provide families with the homes needed in Newcastle .

The plans aim to promote health and wellbeing by providing footpath links around the site. Pedestrian links though a landscaped area will connect the area to the south of the Metro line to Ponteland Road via Black Lane and Green Lane. A pedestrian link to Station Road will minimise walking distance to and from Kenton Bank Foot.


The new development would support and stimulate the local economy, supporting the vitality of the local area and increasing footfall for local businesses. New jobs would be created and existing jobs supported through construction along with further indirect jobs through the supply chain. It is anticipated that the development would provide in total 51 direct jobs and 22 indirect jobs.

New developments bring additional revenues to the local authority through Council Tax and the Government’s New Homes Bonus.

As people move into their new homes, they would bring further revenue to the local area, with approximately £1.3m of first occupation expenditure and an additional £6.2m spend by residents each year.

Street scenes

The appearance of the new homes will be reflective of the local area and we’ll use locally sourced materials to ensure the development is in keeping with existing houses nearby.
The proposed development would be split into two distinct character areas. With the entrance of the development known as the “Southern Gateway” area which offers a modern approach with minimalist design.  

The remainder of the development to the West would be a second character area known as “Stationway” this would offer a more traditional design to reflect the nearby houses on Station Road.

Homes proposed by Taylor Wimpey

Our joint proposals include a total of 243 homes with a range 3 and 4 bedroom homes available.
The majority of the homes will be two storey, with a mix of detached and semi detached designs, there will be a smaller selection of 2.5 storey homes. 

Homes proposed by Persimmon

Our joint proposals include a total of 243 homes with a range 3 and 4 bedroom homes available.
Persimmon Homes will offer a collection of family homes in a range of designs.  With both 3 & 4 bedroom homes available with private gardens and off street parking.

Our proposals features


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community and we have carefully considered this as we have developed our proposals.
Cycling and walking will be encouraged with a network of footpaths and cycleways which will provide access through the development and to landscaped areas.  The area to the south of the Metro line will connect to Ponteland Road via Black Lane and Green Lane.  

Kenton Bank Foot Metro station will be easily accessible with a pedestrian link to Station Road.


We have prepared a flood risk assessment and surface water drainage strategy to ensure that an appropriate drainage strategy is put in place.
To reduce the impact of the proposed development on the existing drainage network we propose the SUDs ponds to the west of the area within the Greenbelt.  These will help control the flow of surface water.


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration when we plan and build new developments. We have carried out a number of ecological surveys to identify any ecological constraints on the site.
Landscaping within the site will be used to provide new areas of high quality habitat, increasing opportunities for biodiversity with planting and open space providing increased nesting and foraging opportunities beneficial to a range of species. Habitat creation will include creation of new species rich hedgerows and grassland that will integrate in to new and retained habitats both on and offsite, increasing the sites cohesion and connectivity.
Existing field trees and hedgerows will be retained where possible to limit impacts on the sites existing biodiversity. Additional offsite mitigation, focussing on farmland birds will be undertaken on areas adjacent to this phase.  

Homes proposed features

Kenton Bank Foot Phase 5 and 6
Kenton Bank Foot Phase 5 and 6