Taylor Wimpey have submitted a planning application for 390 homes on land off West Lane, Ripon.
The site will be promoted by Taylor Wimpey & Homes England and has already seen outline planning permission under the works of Homes England.
We are looking to sought reserved matters planning permission which will include details if the layout & house types. We will be looking to offer a variety of new homes to the area.
Overview of the planning application
Prior to the planning application submission, a layout plan has been created for the scheme. Some of the key proposals are captured below:
- 390 new homes will be built, including 156 affordable.
- A range 1,2,3 & 4 bedroom incorporating bungalows, 2 storey and 2.5 storey homes.
- Provision of 40% affordable housing dispersed across the development.
- 2 access points from West Lane which provides a connecting bus loop and bus stop.
- Incorporation of open space throughout the development.
- Retention of boundary trees and hedgerows, where possible.
2 Play Area and trim trail equipment in the outer landscaped areas.
Pedestrian links across the development to encourage walking and social interactions.
- Surface Water SUDs basins provided
About the site About the site
The development will offer a wide variety of house types ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms to cater to a wider audience. The proposals include terraced, semi-detached and detached homes with sufficient parking provision and generous sized rear gardens.
Proposed development layout
Natural environment Natural environment
We take ecology in to consideration prior, during the construction and after the final handover of the site. We look to incorporate any existing vegetation into the layout, should it require removal we will use ecologists during site clearance to avoid disturbing any protected species and look to avoid clearance during bird nesting season.
We will then incorporate a large number of landscaping features which include native planting, tree and wildflower meadows. Inline with our Taylor Wimpey approach to ecological we will be incorporating bird boxes, bat boxes, bug hotels, hedgehog gaps in rear garden fences and we plan to site our 1st Taylor Wimpey North Yorkshire Bee Hive in the central open space.
Connectivity Connectivity The road and layout structure has been designed with pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles in mind making the development accessible & safe to all. All traffic is to be accessed via the 2 access entrances on West Lane. Additional footpaths will provide accesses on to Southfield Avenue and Whitcliffe Lane. New and updates New and updatesUpdate January 2022
Taylor Wimpey have submitted detailed information to supersede to the current Reserved Matter application submitted by Homes England.
Taylor Wimpey & Homes England will be working together with Harrogate Borough Council to hopefully drive the application to an approval with the aim to start on site later in 2022/early 2023.
We will keep the website up to date with any significant events planned on site.
Community CommunityThere will be a wide range of community benefits that accompany the site's development, such as:
- We employ a wide range of trades, providing opportunities for local workers and sub-contractors.
- The development will deliver a range of housing to meet the needs and aspirations of the whole community. There will be a provision of affordable homes as well as homes to meet the needs of first time buyers, key workers and families.