Proposed Development

Land South East of Barkby Road

Syston, LE7 2JX

Learn more about our developing plans for an exciting new community in Syston

We are hosting a series of consultation events to shape our proposals for a new community on land South East of Barkby Road, Syston. 

The site is an emerging allocation in the Draft Charnwood Local Plan, which proposes to deliver around 960 new homes, alongside a new primary school and associated supporting infrastructure.

We are working with Charnwood Borough Council to prepare a draft Masterplan Framework Document (MFD) which will establish the vision for the site and surrounding area. This is not a planning application but, when approved, will be used as a guide to inform any future planning applications that may come forward.

You can find out more about our plans, as well as details on any upcoming consultation events on the dedicated consultation webpage here.
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey East Midlands.

Development Map

About our proposals

The image below shows the location of the proposed development site.
Land South East of Barkby Road
Land South East of Barkby Road