Proposed Development

Tower Woods

Telford, TF8 7BL

Learn about our exciting proposals for a new residential development in Telford

We are working alongside the current landowner on a reserved matters planning application for the second phase of homes at the former Ironbridge Power Station, Telford, a new community which will be known as Benthall Grange.

The whole development site at Benthall Grange, of which Taylor Wimpey is only a part of, has outline planning permission for up to 1000 homes (including affordable homes), a retirement village, new employment sites, retail provision, allotments, sports pitches, a railway link, leisure uses, a primary or nursery school, a park and ride facility, walking and cycling routes and landscaping.

In line with the approved outline planning permission the development will be delivered over five phases. We are currently preparing a reserved matters application for the second phase, which will comprise up to 202 new homes, areas of open space and landscaping.

We held a public exhibition on Thursday 4th April at Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge Community Centre. A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the event can be downloaded here.

You can also find out more about our proposals on this web page by emailing [email protected]. Now that the consultation period has ended, all feedback will be considered before we submit our reserved matters planning application to Shropshire Council.

Some images are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey North Midlands.

Development Map


We want to create a thriving new community in Telford. Our plans for the second phase of homes, known as Phase 2a – Tower Woods, include up to 202 new homes, of which 5% will be affordable housing. 

Our plans for the first phase of the development also include areas of open space and landscaping.

Street scenes

To create a characterful community, the proposed development will have distinct areas with a variety of house type designs and materials used. The parcel will be called Tower Woods and will have its own, unique character specific to this part of Benthall Grange, but also designed in a way to complement the character of the surrounding parcels and also subtlety reflecting the historic character of Ironbridge.

Homes proposed

Our proposal includes up to 202 houses which will be a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses to meet local housing needs.

5% of the proposed new homes will be allocated as affordable housing, in accordance with the outline planning permission and the requirements of Shropshire Council.

Future phases

The development will be delivered in five phases by a number of housebuilders. This reserved matters planning application is for part of the second phase only and future phases will be subject to further, separate consultation by others.

About our proposals features


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community and we will carefully consider this as we develop our proposals. Connectivity between the application site and its surrounding context is at the heart of our proposals. Legible connections within and through the development will mean that existing and future residents have ample access to surrounding facilities.


We will carefully consider our plans to ensure a sufficient drainage strategy is put in place. An attenuation pond is proposed for the east of the parcel. It will be designed to be an attractive feature that will enhance biodiversity and encourage natural habitat to the wider amenity space that this will form part of. These measures will ensure surface water is disposed of sustainably.


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration for Taylor Wimpey when we plan and build new developments. The wider Benthall Grange development has been designed to retain as much suitable habitat as possible and the wider development will create new additional habitat to enhance the ecological value of the site as a whole. To enable this each residential parcel is located on the least biodiverse areas.
The Tower Woods parcel, Phase 2a, will help towards the overall amount of biodiversity by providing a new attenuation pond in the east of the parcel. This will have the dual function of providing surface water drainage but will also act as an attractive area for increased biodiversity. In addition, where possible, some of the proposed homes will have bird and bat boxes and suitable locations within Tower Woods will have ecological enhancements, such as bug hotels, which can help towards boosting the overall number and type of species within the wider Benthall Grange development. With these measures the proposals for Tower Woods will help to deliver a net gain in biodiversity for Benthall Grange in accordance with the outline permission. 


Taylor Wimpey understands and appreciates the heritage of the site and surrounding area; not only is the site part of the former Ironbridge Power Station, but to the east of the site is the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. Our proposals acknowledge the significance of the site’s history.

Our approach features

Previous use

The whole development site was the Former Ironbridge Power Station. Our phase represents one of five residential phases, which will help to regenerate the site and surrounding area and create a total of 1,000 new homes for the local community.

Previous planning applications

An outline planning application was submitted to Shropshire Council in December 2019 and was granted permission in September 2022.
1000 homes (including affordable homes), a retirement village, new employment sites, retail provision, allotments, sports pitches, a railway link, leisure uses, a primary or nursery school, a park and ride facility, walking and cycling routes and landscaping.

History of the site features

Economic benefits

We want to deliver new homes and facilities that positively integrate with and enhance the local community.
In 2023 Taylor Wimpey completed 388 new private market homes and 93 affordable homes in the local area. As a company, we invest in the local community, employing local people in our sites and help to train some of the future workforce through our apprentice scheme. In addition, through our planning permissions and s106 obligations we invest in education, open space, affordable housing, leisure facilities, highways and community buildings.   

Open space

Ensuring our residents and the local community have access to beautiful green open spaces is a key consideration. The Benthall Grange development will provide open space, new footpaths, cycleways and sustainable connections both within the site and to the surrounding area. Open space will be designed to be of benefit to wildlife and to ensure that the development integrates with the wider landscape.

Amenities & facilities

We aim to support the communities in which we build. One way in which we do this is by providing new facilities that local people will benefit from.
Our proposals for Phase 2a of development at Benthall Grange include a range of homes to meet housing needs, including 5% affordable housing, areas of open space and a small play area.

Community benefits features