Warwick, CV34 6RG
We would really like to know what you think. Please fill in our feedback form with as much or as little detail as you would like to include.
I / We support the design/layout as it is currently presented.
If you have any suggestions / comments on the design and layout of the proposal, please include these below (optional):
An attenuation pond is included to capture surface water and provide potential habitat. Do you support the layout of inclusion of a pond on the site? If you have any further comments on this aspect of the development, please include them in the box at the end.
The applicants intend to provide some affordable homes as part of the site. What tenure of affordable housing do you think would be most appropriate?
What type of home do you consider most appropriate for the site?
What size of home do you think would be most appropriate?
If you have any further comments or suggestions regarding the proposal and/or any of the above questions, please include them below. (optional)
Thank you for taking the time to fill in our feedback form – we will review all of the responses received and these will help shape our designs.
Providing your details below will help us analyse the responses and allow us to keep in touch with you as our work progresses.
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