Building a better world

We want to play our part in creating a greener, healthier future for our customers, colleagues and communities.

Our environment strategy

From climate change to biodiversity loss, the scale of the environmental crisis is clearer than ever. Urgent action is needed and we want to be part of the solution.

In 2021, we launched our environment strategy, setting out how we will help protect our environment for future generations, partner with suppliers to reduce the impact of the homes and developments we build, and make it easier for our customers to live a sustainable lifestyle.

Climate change

Achieve our science-based carbon reduction target:

- Reduce operational carbon emissions intensity by 36% by 2025, from a 2019 baseline
- Reduce carbon emissions intensity from our supply chain and customer homes by 24% by 2030, from a 2019 baseline

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Increase natural habitats by 10% on new sites from 2023 and include our priority wildlife enhancements from 2021.

Our wildlife enhancements include:
- Hedgehog highways and bug hotels from 2021
- Helping customers engage with nature and create 20,000 more nature friendly gardens by 2025

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Resources and waste

Cut our construction waste intensity by 15% by 2025 and use more recycled materials. By 2022, publish a ‘towards zero waste’ strategy for our sites.

Our supporting targets include:
- Engaging with suppliers to meaningfully reduce plastic packaging on our sites by 2025
- Helping 20,000 customers to increase recycling at home by 2025

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Greener places to live

We will help our customers to reduce their own carbon footprint by the changes we make in our homes and by enabling more sustainable transport options. We will also make it easier for customers to recycle and save water at home, and to create a nature friendly garden.

By creating space for nature on our sites, we will support our customers’ physical and mental wellbeing.