
Our approach

We focus on a range of social, environmental, economic and governance issues to help us achieve our purpose and be a responsible business. 


Our sustainability priorities

Our sustainability framework sets out our sustainability priorities. It reflects the importance we place on delivering great homes and communities for our customers while being an employer of choice and creating value for all stakeholders by operating responsibly and playing our part in protecting and regenerating the environment.

Our homes

Areas of focus: 

  • Availability and affordability 
  • Placemaking 
  • Sustainable living and efficient homes
  • Land, planning and community engagement
  • Customer service and quality 
  • Charitable giving 

Our homes

Our people

Areas of focus: 

  • Health and safety 
  • Skills and development
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Employee engagement
  • Wellbeing
Our people

Our environment

Areas of focus: 

  • Climate change
  • Nature
  • Resources and waste
  • Responsible sourcing
Our environment

Roles and responsibilities 

Our plc Board of Directors is responsible for oversight of our sustainability initiatives, risks and opportunities. They receive an ESG update twice a year on progress made towards our targets. 

Our Chief Executive (CEO) has ultimate responsibility for achieving our sustainability targets. Our Group Management Team (GMT) receive a monthly update on sustainability and progress against sustainability targets.
Roles and responsibilities

Download our latest policies

Waste and resource use policy Water policy Sustainability policy Climate policy Community policy