Learn about our plans for an exciting new community on Slyne Road in Lancaster
We aim to provide high quality homes, in a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 beds, in a wide range of styles, off Slyne Road in Lancaster.
Slyne Road is located on land north of Lancaster and the river Lune. Lancaster city centre is 1.5 miles from this site and Morecambe can be found to the East of Slyne Road. Historically, this site has been undeveloped but is bound by agricultural land to the West, the Bay Gateway (A683) to the North and Slyne Road (A6) and residential dwellings to the East.
This site will include lots of open green spaces, improved pedestrian connections and play areas for children. Additionally, Slyne Road will retain and enhance existing landscape features to preserve habitats across the development.
Taylor Wimpey previously carried out a consultation on the plans for this the site, including a comprehensive masterplan which was subsequently submitted to Lancaster City Council as part of a planning application which is currently under determination.