Thursday 8th June 2023

We support Warwick scout group with donation  

As part of our commitment to supporting the local community we've proudly donated £250 to a local scout group named 7th Warwick Scout Group.

Warwick Scout group

New and improved security 

The scout group, located near to The Asps development in Warwick, used the donation to support security upgrades and install CCTV on site. 

The group prepares young people with skills for life, while encouraging them to ‘do more, learn more, and be more.’ Every week, the local group gives those aged between 10 and 14, the opportunity to take on new adventures while developing their skills to succeed now and in the future.

Denise Robbins, Group Scout Leader said: “We are incredibly grateful for the generous donation from Taylor Wimpey. 7th Warwick Scout group will now have new and improved security to keep our Scouts safe in the local community.”

Warwick Scout group