Friday 22nd December 2023

Alleviate the stress of selling a home with Part Exchange and Easymover

Did you know that you can experience a more streamlined house purchasing experience with the Part Exchange and Easymover schemes? Perfectly designed to save you both money and time when selling your existing home.

Elliot and Jessica

Helping to make your move easier

Easymover allows you to reserve your new Taylor Wimpey property while we help you to manage the sale of your existing home whereas with the Part Exchange scheme, we can give you an offer on your existing home after two independent valuations*. 

Digital Forensics Manager, Elliot Joseph Mikes (28) and his girlfriend, Jessica Jayne Smith, purchased a home at our Half Penny Meadows development in Clitheroe using Part Exchange.

East Hollinsfield street scene

Talking about the sales process, Elliot said: “It was very straightforward, a plan was outlined by the sales team who were happy to re-confirm anything about the processes if we ended up forgetting anything.

“We were massively impressed with communication at all stages; from initially going in, we had everything we needed explained to make the right choice. Taylor Wimpey recommended we speak to Independent Financial Advisors to ensure we got the best deal and they also provided us with a really good solicitor who specialise in new build homes.”

With both schemes, we handle all communication with estate agents and also cover your fees, using our marketing and negotiating skills to sell your home quickly for the best price so that you can move into your new home without delay.