Our round up of

The best quotes about homes

Our top 10 home related poems proved so popular, we thought we’d inspire you with some wonderful quotes about homes.

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Our top 10 home related quotes

Whether it’s your first home or the house you grew up in, our homes are about so much more than bricks and mortar – as the following quotes illustrate.

1. Wise words from Winnie

No matter how big or small, Winnie the Pooh is absolutely right when he says:

Winnie the pooh quote

2. Maya's sanctuary

The late great Maya Angelou summed up home life for so many of us.

Maya Angelou Quote

3. Sence and sensibility

Jane Austen had nothing but pride (with no prejudice) about her home.
Jane Austyn Quote

4. Behind closed doors

Muhammad Ali let his guard down when he made the following confession.
Mohammed Ali Quote

5. Butter wouldn't melt

Ali isn’t the only one to admit that there are sides only those closest to them know. The youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, for example, has revealed she isn’t all she seems.

Malala Yousafzai

6. No place like home 

For many high-profile individuals, with jet set lives, there’s only one place they really want to be. Isn’t that right Dolly Parton?
Dolly Parton Quote

7. Looks can be deceiving

Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but Marilyn Monroe prefers a good old game of cards. 
Marilyn Monroe Quote

8. Do not disturb

Staying in is the new going out. Particularly, as Ogden Nash points out, for those of a certain age.
Ogden Nash

9. In or out

British textile designer, poet and novelist William Morris had some wise words of advice for those setting up home. 
William Morris

10. All's well that ends well

We’ve left the last words to the Bard himself, William Shakespeare. He certainly knew what he was talking about when he wrote:
William Shakespere