Proposed Development

Bannock Wood

Bonnyrigg, EH19 3GY

Find out more about our plans for an exciting new community at Bannock Wood, Bonnyrigg

We have worked closely with local community groups, residents and Midlothian Council to develop plans for an exciting new community at Bannock Wood, to the south of our established and popular Hopefield development. Our proposed plans make provision for a new primary school with community facilities and open space to enjoy with friends and family. 
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey East Scotland.

About the development

The Masterplan

We want to create a thriving new community at  Bannock Wood, Bonnyrigg. The site is identified for housing development in the 2017 Midlothan Local Development Plan and is currently subject of a master-plan led planning application for around 1,000 new homes. The site enjoys an enviable setting within open countryside and offers great opportunity to enhance the existing green networks for leisure and recreation pursuits.
Bannock Wood is allocated for residential development in Midlothian’s Local Development Plan 2017 and our proposals respond to the objectives the plan sets out. Bannock Wood will provide a mix of around 1,000 detached, semi-detached, terraced homes and apartments, 25% of the new homes will be affordable housing.  

We have also made provision for a new primary school, open space and community facilities for the benefit of both residents and the wider community by creating places for sport, social and education activities to merge and the community to socialise. The local community will also benefit from additional communal space which will include land for community growing, large areas of green open space, the integration and enhancement of Little Wood into the overall masterplan, and new footpaths, cycleways and bridleway will connect the development to the local area.

Street scenes

A pallet of materials will be established for use throughout the development; further to this, certain locations have been earmarked as areas of enhanced quality to add interest and character to these key areas.
To create a characterful community, the proposed development will be designed to create a sense of place and maximises the latest Scottish Government Planning Policy for Designing Streets. These designs give priority to pedestrians over vehicles through the use of shared surfaces and home zones to create natural areas of focus at key points of the development.

Homes proposed

Our proposals will include a wide choice of quality detached, semi-detached, terraced homes and apartments, 25% will be affordable housing.  
The majority of homes will be two storey, with a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced designs.  We are also proposing some blocks of 3 – 4 storey apartments.

About our proposals features


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community, and we have carefully considered this as we have developed our proposals.
Cycling, walking and horse riding will be encouraged with a network of footpaths and cycleways throughout the development connecting to the existing bridleway and long-distance cycle path, both of which cross the site and will provide easy access to Hopefield and Bonnyrigg nearby. Existing transport links include railway stations at nearby Eskbank and Newtongrange with both just a short drive away, plus the Edinburgh City Bypass is easily accessible. Discussions will be held with local bus operators with the aim of extending the existing service serving Hopefield into Bannock Wood.


We have prepared a flood risk assessment and surface water drainage strategy to ensure that appropriate drainage is put in place. 
To reduce the impact of the proposed development on the existing drainage network we propose the addition of a sustainable urban drainage system. This will be designed to manage the flow of surface water and in certain areas could present an excellent opportunity to support biodiversity enhancement on the development.


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration when we plan and build new developments. We have carried out a number of ecological surveys to identify any ecological constraints on the site.
Our plans include significant opportunities to enhance the site for local wildlife and measures to enhance biodiversity. These include new bat and bird boxes, a sensitive lighting scheme to respect nocturnal wildlife and the creation of diverse natural habitats for birds. As part of our Environment Strategy, we have committed to increase natural habitats and enhance wildlife by including bug hotels, hedgehog highways and encouraging our customers to also create more nature friendly gardens to support bees and pollinating insects.  

Our approach features

Economic benefits

We want to deliver new homes and facilities that positively integrate with and enhance the local community.
Developer Contributions are the means by which Local Authorities secure funding to mitigate the impact of new housing development on existing services and communities. Bannock Wood will make land available for a new primary school/ community facilities and  financial contributions to Midlothian Council to help fund their delivery. Additional financial contributions will be made towards secondary education, the A7, as well as bus service improvements and the Border’s Rail link. Land will also be provided for around 250 new affordable homes.

We have completed a full programme of community engagement including workshops and the establishment of a Community Liaison Forum to ensure there was a platform to discuss our proposed development with local community groups, elected members and other key stakeholders. The views discussed during the consultation were informative and helped greatly in shaping our masterplan ahead of our application for planning permission.
Our local community consultation event gave us an opportunity to share our proposals for the development with members of the public, and to listen to their views as the plans for this key development evolved.

Open space

Ensuring our residents and the local community have access to beautiful green open spaces is a key consideration.
Our plans include land for community growing, large areas of green open space, and the integration of Little Wood into the overall masterplan at Bannock Wood. There will also be new footpaths and cycleways to connect the development to the local area, which encourages residents and their families to meet neighbours and friends which will help to foster a vibrant new community.

Amenities and facilities

We aim to support the communities in which we build.  One way we do this is by providing new facilities that local people will benefit from.
Our plans include a new primary school, open space and community facilities to benefit residents and the local people by creating places for sport, social and education activities to merge and the growing community to socialise. We are including Little Wood into our overall development, which is a well-established tranquil green space that offers woodland walks and the chance to be close to nature. We are also planning to provide communal space, including land for community growing, large areas of green open space to play as well as new footpaths and cycleways to connect the development to the local area.

Community benefits features