Learn about our plans for an exciting new community in Chatham
Our reserved matters planning application for the first phase of homes at Capstone Oaks, Chatham, was approved by Medway Council in May 2024.
The development site has outline planning permission for up to 800 homes (including affordable homes), a primary school, retail space, a community or nursery facility, a new link road between North Dane Way and Pear Tree Lane, off site junction improvements and open spaces and landscaping.
In line with the approved outline planning permission, the development will be delivered over four phases. The first phase will provide 91 new homes, areas of open space and a new access road and roundabout off North Dane Way, to Medway Council.
We held a public exhibition in December 2022 prior to the submission of the reserved matters application. A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the event can be downloaded here.
About the development
Our plans for the first phase of the development also include areas of open space and a new access road and roundabout off North Dane Way.
Street scenes
To create a characterful community, the proposed development will have distinct areas with a variety of house type designs and materials used. The following character areas are proposed.
- Woodland Edge
- Parkland
- Green Street
Character areas:
Six key character areas have been identified across the wider site, which were set out as part of the outline planning application:
Sloped landscape, with a select cluster of detached homes in a prime leisure location, and semi-detached houses running along the contours to act as a backdrop.
Northern Edge:
The landscape remains dominant here, however significant buildings will define key arrival points. Buildings here will be more focal.
Rural Edge:
Leisure routes run the entire length of the site on the eastern boundary. This area will be characterised by more contemporary housing.
A contemporary urban location with long views of terraces of townhouses and desirable flats within parkland and contemporary suburban spaces.
Urban Quarter:
A mixture of three storey contemporary townhouses and apartments centred around urban squares, shops and services.
Whites Wood (Phase 1):
Accessed from a new roundabout to the south of North Dane Way, an important edge to the main road and views over the parkland to the north.
The proposed appearance of the homes have a modern design, with carefully selected materials to create a more rural feel. Details include gable fronted units, floor to ceiling windows and 2.5 storey homes in key locations to assist with variety and interest in the street scene. Materials proposed include black weatherboarding and brown roof tiles.
Homes proposed
The proposed mix of homes is approximately:
• 10% x 2 bed houses, 50% x 3 bed houses, 30% x 4 bed houses and 10% x 5 bed houses.
25% of the proposed new homes will be allocated as affordable housing, in accordance with the outline planning permission and the requirements of Medway Council.
The layout has been carefully designed with the existing topography of the site.
The main access road to this phase has been designed as a gateway into the scheme. This then splits into two smaller access roads, which separates the higher and lower parts of the site. These are split by a central hedgerow and tree belt which is currently present on site. These upper and lower levels are connected by a focal green space which allows for pedestrian and cycle connections between the two.
Homes to the western boundary comprise smaller semi-detached and terraced dwellings where the topography of the site is less steep. The larger detached properties are mainly confined to the steeper, eastern parts of the site.
Future phases
Development of the 91 homes and open space at phase 1, that will be delivered by Taylor Wimpey, is currently underway.
The remaining phases of the site at East Hill are jointly owned by Taylor Wimpey and Vistry Homes. Taylor Wimpey and Vistry are working closely on the plans for the remaining phases and have appointed a single consultant team to progress the plans through the planning process.
The remaining phases will be accessed by a new link road with new roundabouts on North Dane Way and Capstone Road, which were approved as part of the outline planning permission. Various meetings have taken place with Medway Council about the proposals for the future phases which are informed by the parameters set out by the approved outline planning permission.
The proposals will be for 709 homes of a wide range of sizes (1 bedroom flats to 5 bedroom houses), and include 25% affordable housing, the new link road, a site for a primary school and significant open space including allotments and 150 square metres of retail space. It is anticipated that the next reserved matters applications for the remaining phases will be submitted to Medway Council in Quarter 1, 2025.
Development Map Category features
In line with the approved outline planning permission, a new link road between North Dane Way and Capstone Road will be delivered to provide access to the remaining phases of development. However, the delivery of the homes proposed for the first phase of development is served by its own new access.
Environment and Ecology
Our approach features
Previous use
Previous planning applications
The outline consent is for up to 800 new homes (including affordable homes), a primary school, retail space, a community or nursery facility, a new link road between North Dane Way and Pear Tree Lane, off site junction improvements and open spaces and landscaping.
Previous consultations and feedback
History of the site features
Economic benefits
Open space
Amenities and facilities
Our proposals for the first phase of development at East Hill include a range of homes to meet housing needs, including 25% affordable housing, significant areas of open space, a play area as well as a new access off North Dane Way.
Community benefits features
- February 2022 - Approval of outline planning application by Planning Inspectorate
- 15th December 2022 - Public consultation event for first phase of development at Lordswood Sports & Social Club
- January 2023 - Reserved Matters Application for 91 homes, access from approved new roundabout at North Dane Way and open space for phase one, submitted to Medway Council. Application reference number: (MC/23/0187 refers) Reserved matters application for phase one submitted to Medway Council
- December 2023 - Taylor Wimpey purchased the land for phase one of the development
- March 2024 - Updated reserved matters application submitted to Medway Council, with changes to landscaping outlined
- May 2024 - Reserved Matters Application for phase one of development approved by Medway Council
- 30 September 2024 – Taylor Wimpey and Vistry Homes purchase the remainder of the East Hill Site on a 50/50 basis
- 04 November 2024 – Development starts on phase 1
- Quarter 1 2025 – Anticipated submission of reserved matters applications by Taylor Wimpey and Vistry Homes for the next phases