Proposed Development

Land South of Scalm Lane

Hambleton, YO8 9HZ

Find out more about our proposals for the land to the south of Scalm Lane, Hambleton

Taylor Wimpey is preparing an outline planning application for 105 new homes with associated public open space and drainage infrastructure on land to the south of Scalm Lane, Hambleton. Our proposals will include a mix of 1 – 4 bedroom houses, perfect for young couples and families, alongside 11 affordable homes for local people and 6 wheelchair user standard properties.

It’s important to us that we listen to the views of the local community as we develop our plans, and as such we held a public exhibition on Tuesday 21st November at Hambleton Village Hall where members of our project team were on hand to talk through our proposal, answer any questions and listen to feedback. Our consultation period will end on Tuesday 5th of December 2023 and all feedback will be considered before we submit our outline planning application to North Yorkshire Council in December 2023.

The consultation boards can be downloaded here. You can continue to have your say by emailing [email protected].

Some images are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey North Yorkshire.

Our proposal for Land South of Scalm Lane


Located to the south of Scalm Lane and immediately north of our former Whitacres development on the north western extent of Hambleton, Taylor Wimpey is looking to develop the site which has been identified as a proposed housing allocation in the emerging Selby Local Plan. 

Through a thorough understanding and assessment of the site’s opportunities and constraints, we have sought to develop a Masterplan demonstrating how the site can come forward in a sustainable and sensitive manner, taking account of the character of the surrounding area and emerging Local Plan policies


Delivering 105 units in total, the scheme will look to deliver a full range of housing from starter homes through to larger family homes to create a balanced community in terms of age and other demographic factors. This will be aided by the provision of 10% affordable housing plus 6% wheelchair user standard properties. 

The site it proposed to be accessed via an extension to Foxglove Way, which is a newly constructed road that serves Taylor Wimpey’s previous Whitacres development to the south of the site. Foxglove Way connects with Main Road via a priority T-junction with ghost-island right-turn lane. A secondary, emergency access is proposed to the north of the site onto Scalm Lane which can double up a pedestrian and cycle link when not in use. 
Through the provision of open space along the northern and eastern boundaries of the site, the scheme will look to create a high-quality residential environment which in turn creates a long-term defensible boundary through the reinstatement and enhancement of hedgerow buffer planting along the site boundary. This will help to create a suitable transition between the open countryside and new development whilst also assisting in our efforts to deliver 10% Biodiversity Net Gain on-site. 

The new homes will be designed to meet the Council’s emerging planning policy criteria in respect of internal size standards and accessible homes standards. It is also expected that the new homes will be built to the emerging Future Homes Standard with PV Panels, Smart Heating Controls and Electric Vehicle Charge Points ensuring a high standard of energy efficiency. 

The planning application will initially be made in outline, to establish if the principle of development is acceptable on the site, with a further planning application being made in due course to establish the exact mix of houses and the detailed layout of the new homes.

About our proposals features


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community and we have carefully considered this as we have developed our proposals.

The primary access into the development will be via Foxglove Way to the south, utilising the existing junction onto the A63 / Main Road. From this access, the estate road will form a loop before splitting off to form cul-de-sac streets and private driveways. A secondary, emergency access will be formed with Scalm Lane to the north for use in emergencies only. 

Whilst initial highway work has been undertaken, we are in the process of finalising a transport assessment to support the outline planning application and confirm that the road network surrounding the proposed development has sufficient capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated. 

Cycling and walking will be encouraged with footpaths providing easy access into village as well as links to the existing local bus services on Main Road.


We are preparing a flood risk assessment and surface water drainage strategy to ensure that an appropriate drainage strategy is put in place to avoid the risk of flooding on the site and elsewhere. 

This report will assesses flood risk at the development site from all potential sources and describe the measures adopted in the master planning process to manage such risks. It is envisaged, similar to the Whitacres development that surface water will be stored on site within SUDs Basins before being released at a restrict flow back into the system once the storm event is over. 

This will  help control the flow of surface water and avoid flooding on site and downstream of the development. 


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration when we plan and build new developments. We have carried out a number of ecological surveys to identify any ecological constraints on the site.

Working closely with ecologists, the surveys we have carried out have identified no evidence of any protected species. All existing trees within the boundary of the site will be untouched  and existing hedgerows will be enhanced and incorporated into the proposed layout.

Our plans include significant opportunities to enhance the site for local wildlife and measures to achieve 10% Biodiversity Net Gain onsite. These include new bat and bird boxes, a sensitive lighting scheme to respect nocturnal wildlife and the creation of diverse natural habitats for birds.


Recognising the heritage implications of our developments is very important to us which is why we have carried out a heritage assessment of the site to understand the nature, extent and significance of the historic environment in this area. 

The draft report concludes that there will be no impact on the setting or significance of any designated or non-designated heritage assets as a result of the proposal to develop the site for residential development. Whilst further work in the form of a geophysical survey is currently ongoing, we do not anticipate that there will be any archaeological or heritage matters which would preclude the site from being developed for residential use.

Our approach features

Upcoming consultation activity

We held a public consultation at Hambleton Village Hall on Tuesday 21st November 2023. A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the event can be downloaded here.

You can also find out more about our proposals on this web page and provide feedback on our plans by clicking on the ‘Have Your Say’ button, by emailing [email protected] or the postal address below. Our consultation period will end on Tuesday 5th of December 2023 and all feedback will be considered before we submit our reserved matters planning applications to North Yorkshire Council early next year.

FAO Scalm Lane Consultation, Taylor Wimpey – Strategic Land, Lockheed Court, Preston Farm Industrial Estate, Stockton on Tees, TS18 3SH