Location Plan
We are preparing proposals for a major new development of up to 3,600 homes and supporting infrastructure to north of Luton adjacent to Sundon Park Road.
Location plan below
Under our plans a mix of house types are proposed to suit buyers in a wide range of circumstances, with up to 30% of the new properties to be provided as affordable homes, to be administered by a council-approved housing association for local people in housing need.
About the site About the site
The proposed site lies to the north of Luton between the M1 jct 11A and the A6 with Central Bedfordshire. It will be bounded to the north by the proposed M1 – A6 Link Road.
The site extends to approximately 620 acre (251 hectares) and is currently used for agricultural grazing or planted with rotation crops.
Land at North Luton was identified in the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan in July 2021.
What's Proposed? What's Proposed?Our development is designed to work within the constraints and opportunities of the site and is a scheme that respects the area’s surroundings.
Our proposals include the following key elements:
- Up to 3,600 sustainable new homes.
- Provision of affordable housing (30%) for local people in housing need.
- A mix of property types and sizes to suit people in a range of circumstances.
- Proposals for a Multi modal transport hub
- Extensive areas of public open space with play areas, playing fields, sports pitches, woodlands, allotments/community orchards and pedestrian/cycle routes.
- Community, Commercial and Employment Areas.
We believe our proposals will carry wider benefits to the local community beyond the provision of new homes.
These benefits include;
- Highway infrastructure improvements to the existing highway network.
- Significant financial contributions to local infrastructure improvements via Section 106 payments.
- Provision of Primary and Secondary Schools
- New Employment Opportunities
- Community Pitches and Facilities