Proposed Development

Land North of Rackheath

Norwich, NR13 6GA

Have your say

Taylor Wimpey has been refining the masterplan for its proposed development on Land North of Rackheath following ongoing feedback from the public and local community. 

Our plans include up to 3,850 dwellings, two local centres, employment land, two primary schools, one secondary school, community space and sports provision. Taylor Wimpey will be hosting its third public consultation on the latest iterations of the development proposals. The public exhibition will be held: In Rackheath at  The Pavilion, Green Lane West, Rackheath, NR13 6LT

Monday 22nd January 2024, 2pm – 8pm

In Salhouse Salhouse Jubilee Hall, 37 Lower Street, Salhouse, NR13 6RH

Friday 26th January 2024, 2pm – 8pm

If you are unable to attend the events, you can download a copy of the exhibition material here. The consultation period will be open from Monday 22nd January to February 16th 2024. You can download a copy of our feedback form here. This can be posted to the address listed or alternatively please email us your feedback to [email protected].
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey East Anglia.

About the proposal

The Site

Taylor Wimpey have worked closely with local residents, Broardland District Council, Norfolk County Council and other key stakeholders to develop the plans for an exciting new sustainable community in Rackheath. Following this in March 2022 Taylor Wimpey submitted an Outline application. 

The proposals seeks approval for:
Up to 3,850 dwellings
Employment Land
Community facilities 
Two primary schools
Secondary school
Formal and Informal Open Space 
New vehicular access and;
Associated infrastructure

You can access the Application documents through Broardland District Councils website and searching Application Reference Number: 20220663
