Learn about our plans for an exciting new community in Ringwood
The site is located on the eastern edge of Ringwood between the A31 to the north and Hightown Road to the south and sits outside of the Green Belt. The existing built-up part of Ringwood wraps around the northern, western, and southern parts of the site.
In February 2023 New Forest District Council resolved to grant our Outline planning application for up to 400 new homes and up to 3 hectares of employment land. The site also includes over 12 hectares of green space made up of Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG) and Public Open Space.
Our proposals for Land north of Hightown Road
The master plan
The proposals are being brought forward in accordance with New Forest Local Plan 2016-2036, particularly the site allocation policy, Policy SS14. The site has been designed with regards to the technical constraints and the wider context of the surrounding area. The ANRG located along the eastern boundary reinforces the rural character of Nouale Lane and creates a landscape buffer with the National Park and incorporates the existing trees and hedgerows.
Homes proposed
The site is likely to include 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes. Image is of a typical Taylor Wimpey development.
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Vehicular Access to the site will be from the A31 slip road where a new roundabout is to be constructed and a new junction will be formed onto Hightown Road to the south.
The main pedestrian routes and connections are as follows:
- The existing public footpath running across the site is retained and incorporated into the development
- A new pedestrian/cycle route runs east/west from the field access to the ANRG
- A new off-road cycle lane runs along the proposed spine road, connecting the A31 slip road/ Southampton Road with Hightown Road
- An extensive pedestrian route runs around the proposed ANRG area of open space and joins up with the other links, creating an attractive option for dog walkers and general users, as well as connecting up with the links with the surrounding countryside
Foul Water Drainage for the site has been discussed with Wessex Water and they have confirmed that the foul water sewer laid along the western boundary edge of the site could serve as a suitable point of connection for the development.
A range of ecology surveys have been carried out on the proposed development.
Suitable mitigation can be implemented as part of the development and the broad mitigation principles have been included in the masterplan for the outline planning application and the detail of this will form part of the reserved matters application(s). Specifically, mature trees and mature tree lines on site are to be retained with similar linear features created by new planting where these can link to existing boundary features and maintain connectivity.
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Previous consultations and feedback
A public exhibition was held on Wednesday 3 July 2019 between 3pm-8pm at The Barn, The Elm Tree, Hightown Road, Ringwood. Approximately 250-300 people attended the public exhibition.
At the event, exhibition boards displayed information about the proposals and members of the project team were available to answer questions. Consultees were able to submit comments to the team using the feedback form at the exhibition or online.
Once the consultation responses had been collated and analysed, the design team reviewed the proposal. The key issues and results from the exhibition are set out in the Statement of Community Engagement. Over the consultation period 153 items of feedback were received. The main comments noted the following:
The existing traffic problems on the local road network and the potential impact from further traffic
The existing flooding issues in the local area and the risk of making it worse
The capacity of the local schools and plans to deliver additional school places
The comments received during the public consultation have helped to shape the final scheme.
Economic benefits
Open space
Amenities and facilities
Community benefits features
We believe it's our responsibility to support our communities, so that people are proud to call them home. That's why we regularly donate time and money to local causes and are passionate about investing in the area we build.
We're committed to building greener, healthier homes for us all. From energy efficient fixtures and fittings, to cutting our carbon emissions and enhancing existing green spaces, we build sustainability into everything we do.
Keep up to date with our latest plans, news and updates about Land north of Hightown Road
Date |
Activity |
8th March 2023 |
Outline Planning Permission submitted to New Forest District Council under application number 21/10042. After going to Committee (8th March 2023), we can confirm our application on Ringwood was conditionally approved subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement. |
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