Proposed Development

The Lanes

South Ribble, PR1 9TX

Learn about our plans for The Lanes, an exciting new community in Penwortham.

Taylor Wimpey and Homes England have been working closely with South Ribble Borough Council and key stakeholders on plans to develop a new community at The Lanes in Penwortham.

The proposed development will deliver a range of up to 1,100 new homes to meet the needs of local people, including one, two, three and four bedroom mews, semi-detached, detached houses and apartments and an application for this has been submitted, with a view to begin work on the new homes during Spring 2027 with show homes opening Autumn 2027 and residents moving into their homes from Winter 2027.

Our plans also include a new two form entry primary school, shops, flexible workspace and community facilities, as well as extensive areas of green open space. We have submitted two outline planning applications, along with a revised Masterplan for The Lanes to South Ribble Borough Council.

You can view and comment on our proposals via the Council’s Public Access Portal search facility here.

Some images are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey Manchester.

Our proposals for The Lanes, Penwortham


We want to create a thriving new community at The Lanes.  The site has been earmarked for major development by South Ribble Borough Council since the year 2000 and is allocated as a Major Site for development within the Council’s Local Plan which was adopted in 2015.
Our proposals include up to 1,100 new homes, including affordable homes for local people, a two-form entry primary school, local shops, flexible workspace, community facilities and extensive areas of open green space. A local centre will also sit at the heart of the development, which will be well connected with pedestrian and cycle links. The Local Centre will contain a range of services and facilities for the use of residents of the development and the surrounding area.

Incorporating a number of the principles of Garden Villages, our proposals for The Lanes include the delivery of a variety of play spaces as well as footpaths and cycleways to encourage sustainable modes of transport. The Lanes has been designed in line with Building for a Healthy Life objectives (the Government-endorsed industry standard to help improve the design of new and growing neighbourhoods). The proposals consider the identified components of successful places and how these can be best applied to the individual characteristics of the site and its wider context. We have prepared a Design Code to facilitate a consistent high quality of development on The Lanes, which could be replicated across all the land parcels within the Masterplan area which are controlled by third parties. The development will also see huge levels of investment in South Ribble Borough which will go towards providing the local area with new roads, better public transport, improved public spaces and reduced congestion.


Street scenes

The appearance of the new homes will be reflective of the local area and we will use locally sourced materials to ensure the development is in keeping with existing houses nearby. 
Our plans for The Lanes include up to 1,100 new homes, including affordable homes for local people. The planning applications propose 30% affordable housing which will deliver up to 330 affordable homes. 

A range of one, two, three and four bedroom mews, semi-detached, detached houses and apartments are proposed. In addition, there is an opportunity for a proportion of the new homes to provide specialist elderly accommodation.

Future phases

The Masterplan for The Lanes provides a framework to guide the future development of the whole allocated site, setting the vision, range of uses, access and mobility strategy and associated infrastructure.
The Masterplan demonstrates that in addition to delivering a substantial part of the allocation, the development of The Lanes as proposed by the two outline applications will not prejudice the remainder of the allocation, or the land safeguarded for future development, from coming forward in a comprehensive manner in future.

About our proposals features


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community and we have carefully considered this as we have developed our proposals for The Lanes.
Our plans include a network of cycle paths and footpaths so that residents can choose sustainable modes of transport to connect to both the surrounding area and on-site facilities.
As well as this, a number of play spaces, a local centre and a new primary school will all be within walking distance of the proposed homes. 


Our surface water drainage strategy is to ensure that no more water runs off the site post development than currently is the case. 
This will be achieved through the delivery of a variety of sustainable drainage features. This will include creating basins on site to hold surface water run-off, before controlling the release of this water through a swale and pipe system. Swales are shallow, broad and vegetated channels designed to store and/or convey water run-off. 

The existing lanes and property on the site will continue to be drained by the existing land drainage system. This system will be maintained, upgraded and diverted as necessary to ensure that existing land drainage flows drain independently of the main pipe systems. 


The Lanes site is dominated by agricultural land which is of limited value for wildlife due to its improved nature, low diversity and regular disturbance. In order to assess the ecological value of the site and the wider study area surrounding the site, a number of ecological surveys have been undertaken. 
The vision for the site includes the retention of as much of the existing mature trees, hedges, and even previous field boundaries as is possible, along with habitat creation such as the integration of bat and bird boxes into 20% of the new residential dwellings on the site. 

Any habitats lost through development would be offset through a biodiversity offsetting exercise. This will ensure The Lanes proposals deliver a net-gain for biodiversity in the long term.

Our approach features

Local Plan Allocation

‘The Lanes’ is the name given to land located to the east of Penwortham Way in Penwortham. The site has been allocated for development and sits within the Major Development Site allocation of South Ribble Borough Council’s Local Plan which was adopted in 2015. 
The allocation site is approximately 78 hectares in size and is earmarked for a range of land uses including residential, employment and commercial, as well as areas of green open space, and community facilities. Taylor Wimpey and Homes England will deliver approximately two thirds of the total allocation site.

Previous feedback

Since June 2018, we have carried out extensive community consultation on our proposals for this important site. We have consulted with local residents, including those whose homes sit within the boundary of the allocated site, as well as local businesses, and political stakeholders and thank everyone for the feedback we have received so far.
Following a period of public consultation, all comments from the local community were considered and we prepared a draft Masterplan and an outline planning application for The Lanes which were submitted to South Ribble Borough Council (SRBC) in December 2019. 
In September 2020, the draft Masterplan was rejected at SRBC’s Planning Committee. We withdrew our outline planning application in March 2021 so that we could reconsider the proposals and revise our plans.
We have now submitted two revised outline planning applications on adjoining land parcels at The Lanes, as well as an updated Masterplan to South Ribble Borough Council for consideration.

History of the site features

Economic benefits

We want to deliver new homes and facilities that positively integrate with and enhance the local community.
A home is more than just a house, it's also about the community that surrounds it. That’s why we're invested in building communities that support local businesses, provide much needed facilities for the area and bring people together.

If our planning application for The Lanes is approved, we anticipate the creation of around 275 new jobs per year in the construction period, including youth training opportunities.

We will also make a significant investment to South Ribble Borough Council which will go towards providing the local area with new roads, better public transport, improved public spaces and reducing congestion.

Open space

Ensuring our residents and the local community have access to beautiful green open spaces is a key consideration.
Our proposals for The Lanes include significant areas of public open space and play areas for residents and the wider community to enjoy. 

Amenities and facilities

We aim to support the communities in which we build. One way in which we do this is by providing new facilities that local people will benefit from.
As part of our proposal for The Lanes, we plan to deliver a range of new facilities to complement existing services within the wider community. This will include a new two form entry primary school, shops, flexible workspace and a local centre at the heart of the site. 

Community benefits features