Learn about our plans for the next phase of Chilton Woods
We are preparing a reserved matters planning application for the third phase of a major mixed-use development north of Sudbury, within the parishes of Chilton, Acton, Long Melford and Sudbury.
The first phase of 200 new homes, known as Maidenfields, went on sale in September 2021, and a planning application for the second phase of 243 homes is currently with Babergh District Council for consideration.
We are now seeking views on the third phase of 149 homes, of which 28 will be affordable. These homes will be heated by air source pumps as part of a pioneering district heating network.
We held an online public consultation via this website from 26th September to 9th October 2022. We are now analysing the feedback as we prepare to submit our planning application.
We are grateful to everyone who took part.
Our proposals
The site is a fairly narrow 5.9 hectare parcel of land stretching from the proposed village centre to the east and existing retail and commercial sites to the west.
This phase will be a natural continuation of development from the second residential phase immediately to the south. There will be a mix of semi-detached, detached and terraced homes and apartment blocks.
Phase three is bordered by significant stretches of green space and play areas, including areas of community woodland.
A Design Code has been created for Chilton Woods, and analysis of the site’s context has been undertaken as part of this process, including the four parishes of Chilton, Sudbury, Acton and Long Melford.
Street scenes
This first phase will include 149 new homes, of which 28 will be affordable. Our design aims to create a diverse neighbourhood with an attractive and varied streetscape.
There will be various housing typologies and sizes, across a variety of tenure types.
The proposed homes will range between two and two-and-a-half storeys across the majority of the site, in line with the 10.8m height threshold set by the Design Code. The apartment blocks are arranged over the ground floor and two upper storeys.
The average density across Phase 3 is 39.8 d/ha with higher density located along the spine road and looser densities along the more rural southern edge. This allows for larger plots, a more informal layout of homes and increased space for planting which helps both to soften the appearance of the homes and create variety across the phase.
Boundary treatments have been carefully chosen to provide security and privacy and clearly define the public and private realm. These will include brick walls and timber fencing, along with soft planting and railings.
Homes proposed
There will be a wide variety of new homes in order to meet housing need, including one and two-bedroom apartments, one-bedroom coach houses, and two, three, four and five-bedroom houses.
Six character areas are defined within the Design Code for Chilton Woods, and this third phase includes two of these character areas: Residential Neighbourhoods, and Parkside and Linear Green Linkages. The above image shows a similar area on phase one.
Residential Neighbourhoods
This is the heart of the Chilton Woods scheme, with a range of densities and housing typologies. It is set around the main spine road and overlooking the green links, creating a network of active streets which link through to the village centre.
Parkside and Linear Green Linkages
This area forms the interface between the residential parcels and the landscaped spaces. A range of house designs will have longer-range views towards green spaces.
The design of the homes will take clear character references from the architecture of the surrounding area, and the transition between the two character areas will feature subtle changes in building typology, materials and colours.
Future phases
Our overall proposal includes 1,150 new homes, a quarter of which will be designated as ‘affordable’, as well as a range of community facilities including a village centre, community hall, sports pitches and large areas of green space, including community woodland.
We will not be delivering the employment land to the west.
About our proposals
Road access to this phase will be via the development spine road, which runs through phases one and two. Vehicle and pedestrian routes along the main streets will be clearly defined, and pedestrians and vehicles will be segregated.
There will be some shared surface courtyards with pedestrian priority on the cul-de-sac streets and courtyards, where it is safe and appropriate.
This phase will link up with cycle routes on the first and second phases, as well as in Reynolds Way.
Phase three forms an important frontage onto some key strategic landscape areas of the site including the western greenway and community woodland. It is also an important arrival space when travelling on foot along the existing public right of way, which will be retained and enhanced with new planting.
All homes will include cycle parking, and visitor cycle storage will also be provided.
The SuDS strategy for phase three provides a further means of minimising the impact of the development on the surrounding environment.
The surface water management train will ensure benefits such as prevention of water pollution, reduced flow velocities, reduced risk of the occurrence of flooding, and enhanced amenity and biodiversity net gain.
Surface water flows will be conveyed through a variety of SuDS features including swales, low flow channels, and detention and attenuation basins which provide a means of intercepting, capturing, conveying and storing water volumes sustainably. This is demonstrated in the above image.
A comprehensive programme of ecological survey work identified a number of protected species, and our proposals include appropriate safeguards and mitigation measures as well as ecological enhancements.
Habitat creation is already underway within the wider site, with further landscaping to be undertaken which will deliver wider green infrastructure benefits including along green corridors running through the development.
The housing areas will feature measures such as bird and bat boxes, including swift ‘S-Boxes’, bee bricks and hedgehog highways.
Existing trees and hedgerows will be retained in order to preserve biodiversity, and the planting strategy will seek to use native, locally-grown species where possible.
Our approach
Previous planning applications
Previous consultations and feedback
History of the site
Economic benefits
Open Space
A distinctive feature of Chilton Woods is the close integration between new homes and the surrounding landscape. The proposals create a strong landscape framework that links all parts of the site together, connecting to the surrounding countryside and providing a new attractive edge to Sudbury.
By integrating green infrastructure - both new and existing - into our designs, the development will offer a wide range of passive and active recreation, alongside wildlife corridors and a range of habitats.
The overall landscape approach to phase three has been informed by the approved Design Code, and will focus on a number of key principles.
The design will have varying character throughout the phase, with areas of public open space that provide high quality amenity space. These spaces will provide a mosaic of habitats that will enhance biodiversity throughout the development.
Our proposals will maximise the opportunities for new tree and shrub planting within the housing areas, with the longevity of planting in mind.
The hard landscaping will be designed to reinforce the character of the phase as well as legibility through the development.
Finally, the overall design will provide recreational connections with the wider landscape.
Community benefits features
Upcoming consultation activity
Our public consultation on phase three is now closed.
Following consideration and detailed review of the feedback that we received, we hope to submit a reserved matters planning application to Babrgh District Council. At that time the council will write to neighbours again, giving details of the application and an opportunity for you to make any further comments.
We’re committed to supporting the community in and around our development by working with schools, community groups and individuals.
Earlier this year we gave pupils at St Gregory CEVC Primary School in Sudbury a royal suprise by sending an ice cream van to their Platinum Jubilee picnic.
We bought an ice cream for every child to help make it an extra special day.
The children were thrilled when headteacher Daniel Woodrow used his ‘headteacher magic’ to summon the ice cream van onto the school field.
We’re also signed up as a sponsor of Sudbury Cricket Club this season.
Sustainability Sustainability
In line with the vision for Chilton Woods, the development will include a range of features designed to minimise its impact on the environment. All future Taylor Wimpey phases of the development will be heated by a centralised air-sourced community heat hub that reduces carbon emissions and dependency on non-renewable energy.
The intention is to provide electric vehicle charging to all new homes. Parking will be located on plot or close to the plot it serves to ensure electric vehicle charging is deliverable. For apartments, electric charging will be provided in the communal parking courtyard.