Proposed Development

Land adjacent to Seghers Place

Uckfield, TN22 5DJ

Learn about our plans for a new development on land off Seghers Place, Uckfield

We are working closely with local residents, Wealden District Council (WDC) and other key stakeholders on plans for new homes on land east of Seghers Place in Uckfield, East Sussex. 

Our proposals include 100 new homes, with a mix of one and two bedroom maisonettes and two to five bedroom houses, as well as a locally equipped area for play [LEAP] and amenity space. In addition, 35% of the homes proposed will be provided as affordable housing. 

If our plans are approved, we will make financial contributions to Wealden District Council to support local infrastructure and facilities.

As we prepare to finalise our proposals ahead of the submission of a full planning application to Wealden District Council in spring 2025, we want to listen to feedback from the local community.

Further details of our plans can be found below, and you can provide your comments by clicking the ‘Have Your Say’ button or by emailing [email protected]

Our online consultation period will end at midnight on Tuesday 25th February 2025. 
Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey South East.

Development Map


We want to develop the thriving new community in Uckfield. The proposed development site, outlined in red on the plan below, is part of a wider area that has been allocated for development under Wealden District Council’s Core Strategy.

We have already developed Ridgwood Place, the first phase of this wider area, as outlined in blue on the plan. A separate planning application for around 750 new homes in the area outlined in yellow, is being pursued by other developers.

As well as new homes, we are proposing to provide amenity space for the benefit of the community.

Street scenes

To create a characterful development with attractive street scenes, we are proposing homes of varying designs, with a mix of materials to complement the surrounding area.

Our plans include homes built with red or buff brick, with other details including light or dark weatherboard and hanging tiles.

Visual street scene

The image below is an indicative illustration of how the new homes will look.

Homes proposed

Our proposals are for 100 high quality new homes with a variety of styles, sizes and house types to cater to a range of buyers and help to meet local housing needs.

We are proposing one and two-bedroom maisonettes, and two to five-bedroom houses, with 35 (35%) being provided as affordable housing. The full breakdown of our proposed homes is as follows:

  • 6 x 1 bed maisonettes 
  • 25 x 2 bed houses 
  • 33 x 3 bed houses 
  • 33 x 4 bed houses
  • 3 x 5 bed houses 
As a responsible housebuilder, committed to building a sustainable future for our customers, all of the homes will be energy efficient, incorporating renewable energy technologies and constructed in line with relevant building regulations.

About our proposals


We understand that a new development will have an impact on the existing community and we have carefully considered this as we have developed our proposals.


Primary access to the site will be from the A22, via the adjacent Seghers Place development which is subject to a separate planning application by other developers.

The site benefits from good access to the local bus network and is in close proximity to Uckfield Town Centre and railway station. It is expected that the existing bus network will be extended into the adjacent Seghers Place development, providing improved connectivity to the bus network in the future. 



The proposed development site is in Flood Zone 1, which means it has a low risk of flooding.

The proposed drainage strategy has been carefully considered to ensure that appropriate measures are put in place. Our proposals incorporate a range of sustainable drainage measures to manage surface water run-off, including swales and attenuation basins. 

In addition, the site will connect to the existing foul network, which was upgraded as part of the Ridgewood Place development and which has capacity to accommodate the number of homes proposed in this location. 


Preserving and enhancing local wildlife is a key consideration when we plan and build new developments.
The site is not subject to any ecological designations, and the assessments that have been carried out to date have found that the majority of local habitats within the site boundary are of low ecological value. 

The majority of existing trees and hedgerows around the border of the site will be retained as part of our plans, and a minimum 10m buffer will be provided to the adjacent Boothland Ancient Woodland to ensure there is no impact on this area. 


The site will be required to achieve 10% biodiversity net gain which will be achieved through a mixture of onsite provision and payment of offsite credits. Onsite measures include the creation of new semi-natural habitats, with areas of open space mostly bordering the development to protect existing hedgerows and  to help link new and retained areas of habitat which will create positive benefits for local biodiversity. 



Recognising and preserving the heritage of our developments is very important to us.


The location of this proposed development is sufficiently distanced from any designated or non-designated local heritage assets so as not to have any impact on them. 


Our approach features

Economic benefits

If our planning application is approved, we will make financial contributions to Wealden District Council to support local infrastructure and facilities.

Open space

Ensuring our residents and the local community have access to beautiful green open spaces is a key consideration. Our proposals include areas of open space, as well as a locally equipped area for play [LEAP] for the residents and the wider community to enjoy. 

Amenities and facilities

As well as new homes, our plans include a locally equipped area for play [LEAP] as well as circa 0.8ha of amenity space, as shown on the layout plan. This will provide walkable routes for residents, as well as biodiversity benefits.

In addition, the plans for the wider development (subject to a separate planning application by other developers) include a mixed-use development with employment and retail spaces, and land for a new school which will be of benefit to both new and exiting residents in the area. 

Community benefits features