Taylor Wimpey is preparing a full planning application for approximately 89 homes on land at Pool House Road, Wombourne.
Our provisional plans for the development, which is to be called Bowlers Place, will include a variety of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.
We held a public exhibition on Thursday 18th July at the Wombourne Civic Centre between the hours of 4.30pm and 8pm. A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the event can be downloaded here
Now that our consultation period has ended, we will undertake a considered and detailed review of the feedback that we've received. We hope to submit an outline planning application to South Staffordshire District Council in the summer of 2024.If you have any questions about our plans you can email [email protected]
Our proposals
About our proposals
The proposed site is a draft allocation for residential development in the emerging South Staffordshire Local Plan.
Our proposals include approximately 89 new homes, of which 30% will be classed as affordable housing.
The proposed development will provide well-designed, accessible and inclusive public spaces, and pedestrian connectivity to the adjacent public right of way and existing footways leading into the centre of Wombourne.
We have used UK-wide statistical data to demonstrate that the proposed development can bring a number of economic benefits to the local area.
Building the homes
●280 jobs
●Direct employment
●Estimated to create 140 temporary construction jobs per year of build.
●200+ jobs
●Indirect/Induced employment
●Over 105 jobs could be supported in the supply chain per year of build.
●Economic output
●Expected additional Gross Value Added (GVA) per year from direct and indirect jobs.
Once people move in
●First occupation expenditure
●Total anticipated spend on goods and services by people as they move in to the new houses and make them feel like home.
●Total spend by residents
●The amount the residents of the new development are expected to spend per year.
Additional local authority income
●Additional Council Tax revenues per year
●Estimated additional Council Tax per year based on the proposed number of new homes.
●New Homes Bonus payments
●A grant paid, over six years, by central government to local councils
Open space
We aim to work closely with communities to help ensure our schemes deliver long term benefits for our customers and the local community. Bowlers Place will be a sustainable community that benefits both new residents and those that already live nearby.
The development will include a variety of green open spaces, including a play area. The delivery of well-designed, accessible and inclusive public areas of open space will offer residents spaces to socialise and engage with each other, encouraging interaction and opportunities to benefit from healthy lifestyle choices.
We will also fund enhancements to existing local walking routes, and create new crossing points on Pool House Road which will benefit both new and existing residents.
Financial contributions will be made towards local infrastructure as part of our Section 106 commitments.
Community benefits
Character and Design
The character and design of the proposed phase will reflect the surrounding area, with community safety and a commitment to sustainability being two of our key priorities.
Streets and key public spaces such as play areas, will be designed with active frontages and natural surveillance in mind.
All of the homes will be designed with energy efficiency in mind. Each of the properties will be thermally efficient, having been created through sustainable construction methods that meet the current building regulations, and all new homes will include access to an electric charging point.
All new homes will include access to secure cycle storage. Car parking will be in line with the South Staffordshire Council Design Guide, with the provision of a garage dependent on the house type.
All homes will have private outdoor space, and rear gardens will comply with the council’s guidance on space standards.
Most of the new homes will be up to two storeys in height, in keeping with the existing surrounding properties. They will be arranged into detached, semi-detached and terraced groups. There will also be a small number of 2.5 storey homes within the scheme along with some bungalows as part of the wider development.
Each of the proposed new homes will include a range of features in keeping with the locality and character of the area, such as recessed front doors, traditional pitch porches, brick and render, and eaves with simple brick detailing.
We understand the importance of our proposed new development seamlessly integrating itself into the existing community. We also know residents expect to have convenient access to local facilities and services by a range of transport modes and that on-site services should be easy to find.
Our proposal will integrate with the surrounding community by reinforcing existing connections or creating new ones. The site is well located in terms of access to the local facilities in Wombourne, including schooling options.
Access between the current site and the centre of Wombourne to the east is presently achieved via a lit footway running parallel to Pool House Road along the northern side of the existing housing estate to the south. As part of our site access strategy, it is proposed that connections will be provided onto this footway via crossing points on Pool House Road.
Additionally, it is proposed that a new circa 2m wide footway would be installed along the northern side of Pool House Road, between the proposed development and an adjacent site. There is also a public right of way that moves along the eastern side of the site, connecting Pool House Road to the south.
For those that do need to travel by car, it is proposed that a new vehicle access will be established onto Pool House Road to the south of the site. This would take the form of a priority T-junction, with a 5.5m wide carriageway and 2m wide footways. The access proposals include pedestrian crossing points to connect with existing footways to the south.
Our strategy for drainage on site
Due to the topography of the site we are proposing separate surface and foul water networks.
Severn Trent Water has assessed the impact of the proposed development on the public sewer system and concluded that the capacity of their existing network will meet the needs of the new homes.
Surface water
The north of the site is shown to be at risk of surface water flooding due to a topographical depression located within the north of the site. A bespoke site-specific direct rainfall modelling exercise has been undertaken by BWB Consulting Ltd to determine the surface water flood risk more accurately.
The proposed development has since been carefully arranged to avoid the predicted 1 in 100-year +40% flood extent. In addition, an exceedance flow route from the location of the topographical depression to the Smestow Brook will be created to improve flood resilience at the site. The exceedance route will be set above the 1 in 100-year +40% climate change flood level to ensure there is no loss in flood storage on the site.
Foul water
Foul drainage from the development is expected to connect to a nearby foul water sewer located on Pool House Road to the south of the site. The levels of the site are such that it is unlikely that a gravity connection would be achievable to the nearest public sewer network. It is expected that a foul pumping station will be required and will be located at the lowest point within the developable area.
Protecting and preserving the natural environment, including valued landscapes and habitats is a key priority. Our design process involves an evaluation of the site and how it relates to the surrounding area in terms of its character and setting.
A number of surveys have already been carried out to assess the wildlife and habitats already present at the site. The development will be designed to protect and enhance these habitats and species whilst creating a green and pleasant environment for people.
Existing trees and hedgerows will be retained where possible, and there will be additional planting.
Any protected species on the site will be located and managed responsibly by an ecologist, who will work to a Habitat Management Plan that will be submitted for approval by South Staffordshire District Council.
A new sustainable drainage strategy is proposed to not only reduce the risk of flooding but also provide a variety of wildlife with a place of refuge all year round.
Our Approach features