As part of our ongoing commitment to working in partnership with local communities, we have recently donated £500 to Burnbrae Primary in Bonnyrigg to help the school establish and run a new Forest School project as part of its outdoor learning strategy.
Located within nearby Little Wood, just a short walk from Burnbrae Primary, the money will provide a boost to the school’s provision of a safe and natural outdoor learning space, as well as some educational materials for the children to get the most from this unique learning experience.
Linda Clarkson, Head Teacher at Burnbrae Primary said: “We are extremely grateful for the support that we have received from Taylor Wimpey and we can’t thank them enough for their generous donation. Our Forest School project is an exciting new outdoor experience for our children to enjoy, led by Pete Carthy an experienced Forest Schools practitioner and teacher.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to the team at Taylor Wimpey. Their donation has provided a boost to our funds to be able to buy essential equipment, waterproofs and wellies.”
Karen Malt, Assistant Project Manager for our East Scotland team adds: “We are proud to be able to support Burnbrae Primary with a fundraising boost to the Little Wood Forest School, and to be associated with such a unique and interesting learning experience that I am sure the children will really enjoy.
“We do more than just build high-quality homes. Being able to work with local businesses and organisations that surround our developments means a great deal to us, and it’s great to know that we can help to make a difference to the lives of people in the local communities where we build. We have a number of existing and historical developments across the Midlothian area and we’re delighted to have been able to offer our support to Burnbrae Primary for this project.”