friday 8th october 2021

We offer support to The NHS Big Tea 

Our East Anglia team has donated £250 to The NHS Big Tea, a nationwide tea party organised by NHS Charities Together, giving communities the chance to come together to say thank you to NHS staff.

Taylor Wimpey news story

Thank you to NHS staff

Earlier this month, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust hosted their tea party, raising a total of £255. These funds will be used to help with the provision of expert care and treatment of patients, funding innovative research and state-of-the-art equipment over and above what the NHS and Government funding can otherwise afford. 
Taylor Wimpey news story

Reece Durrant, who organised the event for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Charity, said: “We would like to thank Taylor Wimpey for their support of our Big Tea event. Not only did we raise vital funds to help support the charity, it was also a huge morale boost for all of the staff that were able to attend.

“The Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity is the only dedicated charity working to fundraise for the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust, which includes the Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital and the Cromer & District Hospital. Planning for the 2022 NHS Big Tea event has already started and I cannot wait, as we’re gearing up for an extra special celebration of our 250th birthday!”