Thursday 24th February 2022

Waverley Junior Academy pupils learn from our site team

Waverley Junior Academy pupils were given a valuable lesson on how to be safe around building sites by a member of our production team from the Fusion at Waverley development

4 - Braxton Exterior

The importance of education

Taylor Wimpey Site Manager, Keith Chester, visited the school to give an interactive presentation about safety on and around construction sites, as well as safety in the home.

Fusion is part of the new Waverley community, and with lots of construction underway nearby, the talk was particularly relevant to the pupils.  

The presentation included a short film about what can happen when children venture onto a building site, and several children also dressed-up as site team members in personal protective equipment (PPE).

Claire Rose, Assistant Vice Principal at Waverley Junior Academy, said: “It’s always a pleasure to have guests visit the school for talks to introduce the children to the real world outside of school. Our students thoroughly enjoyed talking about the nature of housebuilding and the safety around it with Keith, and the teachers learned a few new things too.”

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