Thursday 26th May 2022

We donate two life saving defibrillators in Milton Keynes

Our South Midlands Team has donated two public access defibrillators (PAD) to Monkston Community Centre and Shenley Football Club, which has been described as a ‘vital addition’ to the local community

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Joint initiative with the British Heart Foundation

During 2019, the BHF worked with our employees to train them in CPR skills and to provide every one of their building sites in the UK with a defibrillator. 
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As part of its commitment to leaving a lasting legacy in the areas in which it builds, we donate the defibrillators to local communities when their developments are completed. Now that work has finished at its Milland Gardens and Shakespeare Park developments, two prominent community organisations in the local area are the latest to be gifted PADs. 

Lee Reade from Monkston Community Centre said: “We were pleased to accept the generous donation of a defibrillator from Taylor Wimpey at Monkston Community Centre. In view of the sporting activities that take place at the centre, this is a vital addition for the potential safety of its users and also the wellbeing of the surrounding local community.”

Gary Barrett, Shenley FC Chairman, added: “Many thanks to Taylor Wimpey for the donation of the defibrillator. As a club, it is a huge thing to have and we welcome the donation.”

Nicola Francis of Shenley FC also expressed her thanks to Taylor Wimpey, saying: “Thank you so much for the generosity of not just donating one but two defibrillators to local communities. This means so much to grassroots football and to the local community providing potential life saving equipment.”