Friday 15th December 2023

We Spread Festive Joy with Wantage Primary Academy Christmas Card Competition

We have collaborated with Wantage Primary Academy for an exciting Christmas card competition. The winning designs will be printed and shared with the pupils at the school as well as residents at our Downland at Kingsgrove development in Wantage.

Wantage Primary School winners with their designs

Supporting our communities

The heartwarming competition saw 23 enthusiastic children take part, each showcasing their artistic festive talents. The team at our Downland development selected three deserving winners. Taking first place was Mya, followed by Grace in second place and Riyanshi in third place. 

Deservingly, the winners all received Amazon vouchers, with Mya securing a £50 voucher and Grace and Riyanshi receiving £25 Amazon vouchers each for their outstanding entries. Additionally, we also donated £150 to the primary school, reinforcing our commitment to supporting the local community.

Downland at Kingsgrove street scene

Rosamund Wells, Sales and Marketing Director for Taylor Wimpey Southern Counties, said: "We are thrilled to have taken part in this Christmas card competition with Wantage Primary Academy. It's heartening to witness the creativity and enthusiasm of the children and we are proud to contribute to the development of artistic skills within the community."

The Christmas card competition not only brought excitement to the children but also served as a perfect example of the positive impact that collaboration between businesses and schools can have on local communities.