Friday 8th September 2023

We collaborate with New Penshaw Academy to promote safety on building sites

Pupils at New Penshaw Academy have been working hard to design new posters for our Herrington View development. The poster competition aimed to foster creativity among young minds while promoting the importance of safety in construction areas.

New Penshaw Academy

Engaging young pupils

Under the design brief, the children of New Penshaw Academy were encouraged to showcase their artistic talents by creating unique and captivating poster designs that highlight the potential dangers on building sites and emphasise ways to stay safe. The participants were asked to submit their individual designs on single pieces of paper, ensuring that their artwork conveyed essential safety messages in a visually engaging manner.

The winning poster designed by Year 4 pupil Saskia, carefully selected by a panel of experts from Taylor Wimpey North East, is now proudly displayed at Taylor Wimpey's Herrington View development. This display will provide a constant reminder to the community about the importance of safety in construction zones. Alongside Saskia’s design, runners up from Year 1 and Year 3 were awarded gift vouchers to celebrate their artwork. The Taylor Wimpey team also made a donation to the school to say thank you for their contribution to the Herrington View development.

Herrington View