Tuesday 26th March 2024

We inspire creativity with Worthing school welcome card competition

We have collaborated with The Laurels Primary School, part of the Durrington Multi-Academy Trust, for a welcome card competition. The winning designs will be printed and shared with new residents at our Barley Grange development in Worthing and other developments in the region.

The Laurels Primary School winners

Inspiring creativity

The competition saw lots of enthusiastic children take part, each showcasing their artistic talents. Our team at Barley Grange selected three deserving winners. Taking first place was Siddart Vi V Jay, followed by Louie Jarvis in second place and Lucy Perry in third place. 

The winners all received Amazon vouchers, with Siddart securing a £50 voucher and Louie and Lucy receiving £25 Amazon vouchers each for their outstanding entries.

Barley Grange

Rosamund Wells, Sales and Marketing Director for Taylor Wimpey Southern Counties, said: "We are thrilled to have taken part in this welcome card competition with The Laurels Primary School. It's heartening to witness the creativity and enthusiasm of the children and we are proud to contribute to the development of artistic skills within the community. We’re sure that our residents will love their welcome cards."

The welcome card competition not only brought excitement to the children but also served as a perfect example of the positive impact that collaboration between businesses and schools can have on local communities.