Wednesday 20th March 2024

We take part in World Book Day celebrations by nurturing a passion for reading in Wrexham pupils

We donated £500 to support World Book Day celebrations at Ysgol Tanyfron Primary School in Wrexham, aiming to encourage pupils to discover the joy of reading.

Img 1 - Ysgol tanyfron School

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The donation helped the school to purchase a variety of books that resonated with the pupils, fostering a love for reading by allowing them to connect with the stories in a fun and engaging way.

Carly Harris, the Literacy Coordinator at Ysgol Tanyfron Primary School, said: “World Book Day holds such significance for us that we celebrate throughout the week. This is because books tend to play a crucial role in helping pupils develop a love for reading and for exploring new worlds. 

“We are incredibly grateful to Taylor Wimpey for their donation as this allowed our pupils to handpick books that captured their individual interests, fostering a sense of ownership and excitement about reading.”
Img2 - Ysgol Tanyfron School