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how to guides

How to enjoy Bank Holidays at home

Come rain or shine, these easy-peasy ideas will keep the whole family busy for the Bank Holiday. Time to relax and have fun for three whole days...bliss


Do a DIY project

If there’s a decorating job you’ve been putting off, Bank Holidays are the perfect time to get stuck in. How about refreshing the living room with a new paint colour. Or perhaps, sanding and whitewashing floorboards for a cool Sandi mood. A three-day stretch is a good chunk of time to get things done. Make it a family affair by getting the whole household involved. Even the youngest members of the family can get busy with a paintbrush (just remember to get the aprons out!) Then sit back and admire your handiwork. Enjoy! 

WHY NOT…get super creative by upcycling unwanted pieces of furniture. Overhaul old mirrors, chests and chairs with paint, wallpaper, new handles and fabric offcuts. Create unique treasures from trash you’ll adore.  

Photo credit: DIY Clare Matte Peel & Stick Wallpaper Roll from


Go for a picnic

Whatever the weather, get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Pack up a picnic, chuck in a few cosy throws, a ball and speaker, and head for the nearest park or beach. You don’t need anything fancy, just a few sandwiches, savoury nibbles, drinks and a flask of warm tea if it’s chilly. Go on a bug hunt or search for fossils with the little ones. And if the teens have exams on the horizon, leave them on the picnic blanket with their books! Finish off the day with fish and chips in the car for good old fashioned family fun.  

EVEN IF…it’s grey and rainy outdoors, you can set up a carpet picnic inside. Spread out an old blanket, serve finger food in colourful bowls and get a stack of board games ready. The best way to do a digital detox… 

Photo credit: Indian Tiffin Lunch Boxes from 

Have a movie marathon

Life is busy right? So, if the weather is cold and gloomy, relax and indulge in a movie marathon with family and friends. Let everyone choose their favourite film and set up a cinema-at-home vibe – for the whole weekend! If you’ve got a big screen and projector, even better. If not, snuggle up on the sofa or kick back on comfy beanbags. Serve drinks, popcorn and sweet treats in paper containers and make score cards so you can rate the movies like a pro film critic. Recharge your batteries without stepping outside the front door. Let the credits roll… 

SEEK OUT…open-air cinema nights if the weather is good. Scour your local area for drive-in/outdoor movie experiences where all you need is a fold-up chair, blanket and tasty treats. 

Photo credit: Movie Night Box Kit from 
Movie night

Enjoy a bake off at home

Dust off the cake tins and prepare to get messy for a GBBO extravaganza at home. Whether you fancy whipping up a lemon drizzle, a savoury quiche or a dozen blueberry muffins, a Bank Holiday cook off with the family can be loads of fun. More confident bakers might want to try out a fancy French patisserie while beginners can’t go wrong with a classic Victoria sponge. And, of course, younger children will be in their element decorating frosted cupcakes with pretty sprinkles, edible glitter and fruit toppings. Even if you end up with soggy bottoms or topsy-turvy trifles that would make Paul and Prue shudder, you’ll have a feast of culinary delights to see you through til Tuesday. Bon appetit! 

TRY TO… Tailor the bake off to your cooking kit and what ingredients you’ve got in the pantry. That way your cookery creations won’t eat into your Bank Holiday budget.  

Photo credit: Strawberries Stoneware Cake Stand from 
Cakes on plate

Go for a long walk

This might sound obvious but going for a long walk is one of the best (and most budget-friendly) ideas to enjoy the long weekend. Hopefully spring weather has sprung and the whole family can take in the countryside or the coastline in warm sunshine. Wear comfortable footwear and stay hydrated with keep-cool water bottles. Keep energy levels topped up with nutritional snacks (dried fruit and flapjacks are perfect for this) and pack a lightweight rain jacket in case of a sudden shower. 

PLAN…ahead by researching walking trails and routes for something new. Find route planners online or downloadable apps to map out your walk – and you’ll never get lost! 

Photo credit: Pink Blossom water bottle from 