Proposed Development

The Vale at Edenfield

Edenfield, Rossendale, BL0 0JJ

Learn about new exciting proposals for residential land in Rossendale.

The Land West of Market Street is a perfect site to deliver sustainable new homes that will be designed to be practical, contemporary, attractive and ideal for different lifestyles. Our scheme will offer much-needed homes that will be available in a variety of styles and sizes, from starter homes suitable for younger people trying to get their foot on the housing ladder, to larger ‘forever’ family homes.
Our Masterplan will have strong placemaking values at its core, and will set the design foundations for three distinctive neighbourhoods that are well-connected and have a close relationship with the surrounding environment.

Construction of these new homes is expected to begin in early 2026, with show homes due for opening in Spring 2026 and residents moving in from late Summer 2026.

Some images and tours are used for illustrative purposes only and may include optional upgrades, subject to availability and at additional cost. Development managed by Taylor Wimpey Manchester.

Our proposal for The Vale at Edenfield

The master plan

Delivering around 400 high quality new homes in total, with a first phase of around 235, in a variety of sizes, styles and tenures to meet the needs of local people in the Borough, including a diverse range of affordable homes;
Designing distinct communities that have strong relationships with the site’s natural features and heritage;
Providing generous areas of public open space and outdoors sports provision for future residents and the wider community;
Creating a more natural and protected Green Belt boundary to the west of Edenfield;
Delivering a landscape-led Masterplan that complements the surrounding areas whilst retaining as many existing trees and other natural features possible;
Creating 163 temporary jobs per annum during the 8-year construction phase. Thereafter it is estimated that 468 economically active residents could live in the new homes;
Contributing an additional £79 million of gross value added to the local economy during the 8-year construction period;
Generating an estimated household expenditure in the region of £11 million each year;
Encouraging active and sustainable travel through the creation of new pedestrian and cycle links, and retaining and enhancing existing public rights of way;
Providing three new access points, limiting disruptions to local highways; and
Contributing to local infrastructure improvements through S106 agreements.



Taylor Wimpey will deliver a landscape-led Masterplan that complements the surrounding areas whilst retaining as many existing trees and other natural features possible.

It will create a greenspace with new tree planting and landscaping along the western edge of the site. This will extend existing woodland areas, providing a strong buffer between development and the A56, and will soften the urban edge of Edenfield, blending the development into its surroundings when viewed from higher land to the west of the valley.

Homes Proposed

The scheme will deliver around 400 high quality new homes in total over an eight year construction period.  The first phase of around 235 homes will include 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes in both semi-detached and detached styles. 


To meet the needs of local people in the Borough, we also envisage that 30% of the proposed new homes will be affordable in line with Council policy.

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Amenities and facilities

Our plans have been designed with a strong place-making and community focus. It has been indicated in the Local Plan that the development “will be required to expand either Edenfield CE Primary School or Stubbins Primary School from a 1 form entry to a 1.5 form entry primary school, and for a secondary school contribution subject to the Education Authority”.
This will be funded via proportionate Section 106 contributions from each subsequent planning application. A Section 106 agreement is a legal document that sits alongside a planning permission to secure the relevant contributions, often restricting the level of development that can come forward before these contributions are made.
These contributions will be agreed with the Local Planning Authority and the Local Education Authority in line with their agreed methodology, which is based on the likely pupil yield generated by each development, less any capacity in existing schools at the time the application is determined.

Economic benefits

The scheme would create 163 temporary jobs per annum during the 8-year construction phase. Thereafter it is estimated that 468 economically active residents could live in the new homes. This will create an additional £79 million of gross value added to the local economy during the 8-year construction period.

Open space

The plans will retain an area of open space adjacent to Market Street which provides a break in development and enables long views to the hill tops of Holcombe Moor to the west of Edenfield which contribute to a distinct sense of place. Providing generous areas of public open space and outdoors sports provision for future residents and the wider community.

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The scheme will promote active and sustainable travel through the creation of new pedestrian and cycle links, and retaining and enhancing existing public rights of way.
Internally, the development will be served from a primary estate road which will in turn link to shared surface roads that are safe for pedestrians and cars alike, cul-de-sacs and private drives. There will be three new access points, limiting disruptions to local highways.


The design will retain much of the site’s existing features, landscape character and local context. It also responds to the issues of ecology, access, landscape and drainage, to create a multi-functional landscape of benefit to the existing and new communities.


It will protect the setting of Mushroom House and the existing Public Right of Way and stone wall within the site. Vehicular access into the site can be safely taken from Market Street, ensuring that the existing access track to Mushroom House is not subject to any increase in traffic. However, the track could be upgraded to provide a controlled emergency access into the site if required.

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Local Plan Allocation

In 2021, the Council approved its Local Plan, which states that at least 3,191 additional new homes need to be built by 2036 to meet the demands of local people. By developing sites that the Council has already identified as being suitable to respond to Rossendale’s housing needs, like the site on Land West of Market Street, this will protect other sites across the Borough from speculative development.

Previous consultations and feedback

Previous masterplan consultation from 22nd June – 6th July 2022. In total, 220 people responded to the consultation. From the feedback, respondents were asked what type of homes they would like to see. People wanted smaller first time family homes, as well as bungalows for elderly residents and larger family homes. Respondents also gave their views on how Taylor Wimpey could make the scheme more sustainable. Suggestions included more trees, a community orchard, ponds, solar panels on roofs and wildflower meadows. 
The full consultation report can be viewed on Rossendale Council’s Planning Portal. 

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